Yeah, what made me really squeamish is that I have an ingrown toenail and I have just leaft it alone for over a year now… Pretty much daily it just bleeds and shit, but I dont want to go into the Doctor and have them do that shit to me. I’d rather deal with it.
my gf has a broken growth plate on her big toe and had a nasty, huge toenail. i went to the doctors with her and he literally just popped the entire nail off. was so damn nasty.
i used to get those on both of my big toes all the time. i swear to god i had that little opperation done (no lie) about 4 times on each toe. finally they did this thing where tyey slick both sides of your nail out and put something in there to kill the nail root so it wont grow down the sides again. it looks kidna screwed up cuz on the sides of the nail on each of my big toies, there is a perfectly straight edge, but i had it done like 4 years ago and havent had in ingrown one since.
will, just do it, it doesnt hurt that bad. u should have thought of this b4 u went to basic lol.
I used to catch them before they got really bad, but I used to get them every once in a while. I know you don’t want to get it taken care of, but sometimes it’s for your own health and well being to get it done…I’m not going to watch the video because I have a weak stomach, but it’s not like you’ll feel them pulling the nail.
Hmm, well its too late now, Basic is in 3 days, but I guess ill consider it sometime down the road. It all started when I had the nail fall off after dropping a 300+ pound Iron Grate on that toe in Chicago… Fun time.
I keep getting them too. It got so bad once last year that the nail actually came through the skin out the side of my toe. I have an infection in the bone of my toe from them, I should really go to the doctors again.
been there, done that. The actually cut it out then put an acid in there to keep it from growing back…now you say you’re afraid of getting it done. Let me say this, the doc was saying it would be sore afterwords. However, it felt better immediatly after than all the shit you’re going through now. I had that shit done like 8 years ago with zero problems since. Those fuckers hurt like a SOB. When you leave the damn podiatrist after he cuts it out, you will feel so much better and want to kick yourself for not doing it sooner. So, in the end, go get it fixed and you will like life again.
Surgery? I had an ingrown nail so bad that I couldn’t walk, in the middle of basketball season nonetheless. Just went to the Doc, he cut straight down the side w/ some scissors, and ripped it out with a huge pair of tweasers. Did this like 2 more times and it never grew back after that. Painless for the most part, and haven’t had nay problems since. Just stop butchering your toe nail.