initial d fanboys click here!

this is litterally every initial d fanboys dream come true. :C

I"m on it!

holy shit… yeah right!!! i wonder how much dat would cost if you wanted to buy it !? LOL.
shiit i did some research on how much those machines are and its like 8-10000 a peice… just the reg game it self… without da car mounted…might as well cop me a new 240sx
hhahaha shiiiiiiet

Japan Wins Again!

holy shit. nice find lith! now if i win the lotto im gonna get that for ID4 and MT3. hehehe.

how bout u stop playing arcade games and fix your car.

well mount alex’s car to an initial D machine. its not like its gonna move any time soon :stuck_out_tongue: jk alex.

^^^ actually, the cars ion the skids move with the game, so thats as much motion as Alex’s GTR is gunna get :smiley:

how about all 3 of you meet me on the 11th at CSCS. dont forget to bring your cars. :R :{

haha, i’ll play with you once i have Dennis’ RB20 in my S12. that wont happen til i take the car off the road for winter

:SS :N

lol, no NO2 for me. I dont like squeezing bottles :smiley:

IDV4 is finally out at commerce gate. played today and it wasn’t that good at all. graphics are good. it cost 5 dollars to make a card n 1 dollar to get car n 1 dollar to play the game.

yeah, i was gunna get into ID4, but im a mt3 man now :stuck_out_tongue:

MT3 FTW!!!