Input on F&F

I’m curious to know…

What ‘other kind’ of potential do 240’s have that other cars don’t?

When there are gatherings, what makes 240’s ‘a little different’ than most? What determines ‘other riced out’ cars that is so different than a ‘riced out’ 240?

Ignorant, irrelevant statement unless you can prove this. I have scouted their forums, I’d like to know how you came to the conclusion that they have more ‘ricers that stick out’ than 240’s do.

Your friends think their cars are hot shit…while 240 owners don’t have the same mentality? 240 owners don’t think their cars are de-tuned race cars from factory? Please say that isn’t so!

Other car owners all know they are ricers but are unable to to feel shame? So Nissan owners AREN’T ricers who are unable to feel shame so they don’t admit? Or they do feel shame but they just don’t admit? Or are you trying to say there’s no such thing as a 240sx ricer?

So your friend has had all that done to his car…I’m confused by your sentences, are you saying that he’s rice because he’s done these mods to his car? Or he’s rice because he has a Civic? Or is he rice simply because he’s had a ‘ton of shit’ done to his car?

Personally, I don’t see anything wrong with the mods you have listed. But those would disagree can certainly let me know - perhaps in my ignorance, I don’t see the ‘rice’ in those mods.

I just need a little clarification on this last part:

He admits that you’ll have ‘what?’ You will still have a chance at…? Beating him in quarter-mile or road-track?

You’ve given quite a bit of thought on the topic - so I’d like to see what other justifications there are to your aforementioned statements. I want you to understand that I’m not trying to bust your chops - I’m simply trying to understand a different point of view from my own.