Input on F&F

i dont want to talk about religion. im just stating that debating about whats rice is just as pointless as debating religion.


GTS pwnt Xsnrge so hard i had to post a motivational poster i found during that motivation poster phenom we had a couple months back.

Perfect Mystery solved… Wiki has the answer. Now you can all get some sleep tonight. Cuz clearly no one on son240 has a rice rocket…Wait a minute, let me look up sarcasm.

XSNRGE, don’t make yourself look any worse. Like I said, give yourself 2 years and you will think differently. It sounds to me like you are a kid who just got a 240 a year or 2 ago and you think the world about it. I know we should try to make what we have sound better, but sometimes you just have to be realistic and face reality.

Everyone has a different opinion of rice.

To me, if a 240 has aero but its not even colour matched or poorly matched, that is rice. It’s much better if the car was left stock.

If you look at a 240 and can see that the person is TRYING to be different by doing something different just for the sake of doing it, that’s rice. (i.e painting your hood black when your car isn’t black)

And have you taken your car to the track?

i’m embarassed when I drive my 240 now.
why did I put a 3" exhaust on the stock motor?


If it’s a stock SR - it’s still not that bad.

But 3" on a stock KA - I have no comment.

Me 2…all I can do is…


To be completely honest, I don’t care what you think about my opinion.

Apparently the “popular” members (you know who you are) on SON have the same mentality as the stereotypical BMW owner. Biased. Because the next guy doesn’t have a car that’s up to your “standards” means he ain’t worth shit.

I’ve loved SOHC KA’s since my family had a 91 Stanza. It was a great motor, reliable, and very torque-y. I have plans on rebuilding the KA in my garage. Over-built, forged pistons and rods, cryo-treated crankshaft, fully ported head, high volume oil pump, etc. The works. I’ve had that plan going on for almost a year now. Why hasn’t anything happened yet? Money. Unlike some of you guys, I wasn’t born with rich parents, nor was I given the skills to get hired for a well-paying job. I’ve things I have to pay, I go to school. You guys likely work more hours in one day than I do in a week…

Life is tough. To those people with wealth, things come easy; popularity, friends, and material goods. To those people without wealth, they’ve got to tough it out past the prejudice and hardships that society places upon them.

I’ll keep facing all these challenges, keep talking me down. But I’m not gonna stop. But trust me, I’m not done. You can talk crap about me and the state of my car all you want. But when the time comes that I finally do complete what I’ve started, you won’t get any acknowledgement from me. I could care less whether you like me or my car. I do what I want because I want to. Everyone has a reason for doing things the way they do. You just don’t know mine.

PS. Cal-soy, I feel very sorry for your lack of Christmas spirit.

and it still looks good beside cars 18 years newer, timeless style.

and every single person who’s posted in this thread will go see F&F so stop hating.

It will be great, I’m back in the franchise!

jesus christ, this place is turning into ziptied!

stop being elitists. what is wrong with a 3" exhaust on a stock KA? not that i have one, but there’s LOTS of people who have done it or are probably rocking it right now, are they ALL ricers? KA sounds balls with the stock pea-shooters, so if you can’t afford an SR swap (that’s right! some people can’t!) and want your car to at least sound a little better (the KA isn’t a bad sounding motor either, don’t lie. it’s no SR, but it’s no Geo either), than what’s wrong with that?

in an abendum to that paragraph, i WILL say that if some kid buys an S13 and the VERY FIRST thing he does is slap a 3" on his bone-stock car with bone stock KA-E…i will agree that’s leaning toward rice. if you’re not going to do the motor first, at least do the suspension, brakes, rims, tires etc. before getting an exhaust…4X4 OEM status with fart can looks pretty bad.

and all the guys with mis-matched colour aero/front end swaps etc…they’re ALL ricers too? even though the reason why most of the legit cars that look like that (in the states and japan at least) are mis-matched because the guy ACTUALLY drifts it on the track and has to change his aero twice a month because he keeps destroying it?

gee, YEAH, that’s a ricer alright…again, there are exceptions to this example, but just like how not everyone can afford a motor swap right away, not everyone can afford a decent paint-job.

i agree with you on painting hoods black for “carbon” look, but as for “doing something different just for the sake of doing it”…how the hell is that rice? in that vein, hanging shit off your tow-hook would be rice. rockin a wakaba would be rice. painting your car flat black or flat anything would be rice. the way you make it sound, every car should be built according to some blueprint, anybody who strays from the rules gets killed with fire.

i can’t even believe the terms “rice” and “ricers” are still being used! who the fuck cares? there’s lots of them out there, there always will be, and to us true car enthusiasts…well it’s something to laugh at, right?

Yeah and can you tell me how many of the guys here that have mismatched aero actually have it because they keep destroying it? I won’t doubt that there’s a few, but there’s a lot of people that do it that haven’t even seen the track. And that’s the thing, if they are doing it to look more like a drifter, then that’s one of the definitions of rice. (i.e trying to look like something you’re not)

No, I’m just saying that people should not mod their cars just for the sake of it. Many people do that when they first get their cars because they want to stand out. Everything should have meaning and a purpose.
It’s the same shit as people who go to university just for the sake of doing it and then end up changing courses because they didn’t even like what they went into.

Because people build up their cars to look rusty and beat down (something their not), yet they run perfectly fine. They just do it for that badass “rat rod” look. Must rice then, huh?

Right now, you’re sounding like a little bitch who didnt get the christmas present he wanted from santa. This isnt kids help phone. Just cause some people disagree with you doesnt mean you have to try and make yourself feel better by thinking how much tougher you have it than others or how much harder you have to work to build your car. Dont try and pity yourself by generalizing people so easily. There are many on here who work hard for their cars and manage to go to school and manage debt. What do you know about others on SON? No one ever said anything about money or why your car is still stock. You’re just making a scene like some blonde at starbucks who had the wrong amount of whipped cream on her frapp…cino.

This was never about YOUR car or how you were raised or the background of your family or your KA build. You getting ripped on isnt even about being rice or discriminating between whats rice and whats not. This was about you thinking that you as a 240 owner have such a great car that you feel you’re on pedestal over civics and neons.

Why should they be ashamed? You talk about how you build a KAE and how you dont care about haters and shit. Yet you’re proclaiming that “ricers” should feel shameful for driving a civic or a neon because they’ll see your burgundy stock 4x4 s13 with teardrops, 3 inch exhaust and your stupid reindeer antlers and think too themselves, wow i wish i was like that guy. Sad part is even with all this shit talking you do, all those civic and neon owners probably havent rolled their car so it looks like a crumpled beer can.

And you’re going on with your hissy fit just because I think 240’s are better than some other cars out there? And you’re the one calling me a little bitch. Grow up man. Just because I like a specific car over a bunch of others doesn’t mean shit. Its like going up to a guy who only owns BMW’s and only likes BMW’s. You rag on me because I like 240’s over other cars. What’s your point?

This honestly goes to show SON’s immaturity. Just because someone’s opinion is based on one car, they must be ragged upon… Grow the fuck up, people. I like 240’s over other cars. Whoop-dee-fucking-do! Go on with your lives and leave me the fuck alone.

And whats with the comment on rolling my car, Cal? Oh, sorry, I’m not a superstar D1 drifter like you, I couldn’t regain control of my car on a road which I’ve never been on before? You weren’t in the car when it happened, you don’t know the full story, you have no more right to shit talk than I do.

Secondly, what gives you the idea that my car is shit because it has tear drops? Did it not click to you that there may be 4 new winter tires on them and a set of summer wheels in my garage?

I think we should do a SON meet the day of the release… All our “REAL” cars parked outside the parking lot, so after the movie, all the ricers will come outside and gawk at our cars and feel shameful about that riced out Civic or Neon that they drive!

Apparently the “popular” members (you know who you are) on SON have the same mentality as the stereotypical BMW owner. Biased. Because the next guy doesn’t have a car that’s up to your “standards” means he ain’t worth shit.

And Polishprince, that is the funniest pic i have seen in a LONGGGG time.

Dan, I’m biased towards cars. They’re biased towards people. Not the same thing. Cars are material goods. People are not. Cars don’t care if they sit in a field all by themselves all their life. People are social beings. They have to engage in social contact. People cannot live deprived from others (technically they can, but that’s a different story, that’s a choice).

that’s a double quote pwn right there.