inspection and cracked windshield question

i am about due for an inspection, and have a crack in my windshield.

am i going to pass, or do i need to call in a glass claim?

Depends on the inspector.

i don’t know the current inspection rules…

but something like that should pass, depending on the inspector.

I would go out and cover it up with some vinyle like those kids with the siq race cars that drive around here, but I would take it back off after the inspection…

give me a call i have to get the honda reinspected for the nice fix it ticket on saturday. we can go to my guy.

dig it, i will call you tonight

don’t lie. you know you would leave the vinyl on.

Yeah man, if its not in the drivers view it normally passes.

I guess the better question is if you have glass coverage why not just get it fixed? Hell, they come right to your work and fix it in the parking lot.

i just haven’t gotten around to calling. i’m busy/lazy

it will pass if its less then 6 inches from the bottom of the window…

Wow you guys have no clue. Here’s a thought if you dont know inspection rules dont answer peoples questions

go to and go to forms or search for VS-79

itll pass, its to the inspectors disgression and its good enough for me =)

I would pass that. I’m an inspector btw.

thanks guys :tup:

all I could find was VS-76 and VS-77 :frowning:

Sorry its CR-79. download it and save it and you’ll have your very own Inspection regulation book. BTW it states in section 79.21 under cracks Reject if:
“any star larger than 3” in diameter is located in any area of the windshield. There is a crack more than 11" long any part of whiich extends into the wiper path"

Form CR-79 section 79.21 page 10

Reject if:

[LEFT]2. Windshield or other window is broken or
has exposed sharp or jagged edges.[/LEFT]

Windshield Only
[LEFT]Any “star” larger than 3 inches in diameter is
located in any area of the windshield. There
is a crack more than 11 inches long, any part
of which extends into the path of the[/LEFT]
windshield wiper(s).


i would fail that for sure sorry

I think I owed you a pint for something… just for that, I’m taking it back

Is it more then 3" the comp here sucks so i cant tell. I think you still work across the street so if its smaller bring it by

:bigclap: Thanks for getting the slut mobile in and out Sunday. Now she can drive it with out worrying.