Inspired by the daily Mighty Taco eaters...

^ha… no beating but i just need to run after him on the quad more and get off the bike

but if you meet me you would understand where all the LBS is

^For real. Dude looks like Violet after she stole candy from Wonka’s factory.


ass…lol. just b/c you like a foot bigger then me … and im not that round…

preggo sex is aerobic if you last for 20+ min…get going on that.

:lol: FWIW I’m really surprised that you’re in the 230-250 category. I never noticed you being big. You must just be one stocky motherfucker.

Well, you do have one on the way… Wait, WAT?

Why do you say that?

I would say it’s more that I am insecure about my appearance so I pretend I don’t care but whatever.:biglaugh:


lol i gain more then she will … i should hit about 260ish around christmas time and then i will come back down after that…its b/c i eat everything she does and then more

no sex till the baby is out then 8 weeks after that …so im looking at march :tup:

I have been trying to put on 20# for the last 10 years. I can’t gain weight no matter what I do/eat/drink…The last year though I went from about 125 to 130# :frowning:

I can help anyone gain weight.
its all about how much you eat after 8.
Not only that but how many calories you eat over 2000.


i can’t believe Joe and I weigh the same…if you ever saw us standing next to each other you’d never guess lol…complete opposites.

and side note:


I don’t necessarily eat mighty every day…but I do eat a TON of junk food. Thank god my job requires a lot of walking and physical labor…or I’d be like 250 lbs lol. I stay around a steady 180ish.

sneaks in…

woah just karter weighs 300+?


skinniest mod ftw

fat asses.

I know. I look like I weigh more, you look like you weigh less :frowning:
Although to be fair, last time you saw me I was probably ~220 and I am 3 inches shorter than you…

i saw you 2 weeks ago. and yes you are shorter. i wasn’t trying to come across as insulting in any way…just surprised me a bit.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


I thought there’d be more on the bottom end…

used to be low 300s now im 234… Gettin sexier by the day.