Inspired by the daily Mighty Taco eaters...

never said it did, dont care either.
you can spend your whole life not eating good food, and avoiding potentially bad food, and guess what?
you still die.

We weigh about the same dude, and I’m about two inches taller than ya.

So that would make me somewhat less fat than you.

Fuck, I put on 30 pounds since I started working at Citi.

All I do is sit in the cage like Foie Gras.

5’9" 175ish

:lol: Giggity.

Ehh oh well.this is a investment.if I die at thirty atleast I didn’t lose something I put aloe of money into.

<<< 270-300

my moms calls me husky …

I’m a fatty fatty 2x4

5’9" 160 lbs. Mighty at least twice a week. :tup: to high metabolism.

< 150 lbs

too much soccer :redface:

I thought I was skinny!

6’ 4" and 205-210

165 lbs 5’11"

I play hockey 4-5x a week, but I will soon join a gym, likely the BAC and start hitting the weights hard

In for adding height:

i’m 5’8"


200 on the nose and have lost 50lbs in th elaast 1.5yrs and yes I did open 2 pizzerias in that time!!!

6’3" 200#s… only spot of fat is my stomach which looks a lot worse than it is because my core muscles are weak as shit.

I’m joining the gym about a mile from my house next week; $100/4mos. Should be good to get me back into shape and my leg stronger from surgery (I lost >1" in circumference of both my calf and thigh from my knee surgery!!!; and a shit load of strength) before snowboarding season starts…

Or he has more muscle, and you have more fat?

I must be the only person trying to gain weight, lol.

I’m at 160ish and gaining.

MUSSELL MILK!!!11!11!!!1111!!1

This must bring back some bad memories.

I loved team dodgeball, and I was good at it.
I also played hockey (goalie) and team handball (not the ball against the wall shit, picture hockey with a dodgeball and dribbling)
Ive always been a mamoth, was good for left side weight on the circle track too :smiley:


im 5’5/5’6 ish (smaller then joestypes) and im 241lbs this morning

im a big guy

you need to beat the step kid extra hard now so it doesn’t decide to get tough if it gets taller than you.