Inspired by the daily Mighty Taco eaters...

funny thing is, I could drop 55-60 pounds and still be in normal range.

Fuzzy, really? <130?

i eat mighty 3-4/week and 181 and im 5’11 right here, i have always wieghed 170-180 since highschool

Thats kinda scary…

Edit: fuzzy being under 130.

lol @ people blaming desk jobs for their weight.

then do something about it…

i sit at my desk with my comp all day… i manage to eat healthy…and go to the gym 4-5 times a week.

just saying… because you’re at a desk job doesnt mean you cant do anything about weight.

^ good point, just makes it harder I suppose lol

when I started here in 2000 I weighed around 180 and was in great shape… not so much anymore :frowning:

what are you thin? LIAR!!! IHU

My schedule makes it hard to go to the gym. I have a membership, it just requires effort on my days off. and me caring enough to do something about it.

Considering I’m among the smallest (if not the smallest) male on this board it’s hardly a stretch.

I don’t go to the gym

I am losing weight

getting there…FGGT.

5’11, 227. im still not at my goal yet, and im not a daily but a biweekly

lol… i know what you mean…cause thats how i was years ago. But the key word is effort… people want to drop weight, look better, make themselves better…but they dont want to put forth the effort.

I started the year around 165-170 and I’m 185 today… all while losing body fat.

6’5’’ 300+
Funny thing is
I have great blood pressure and cholesterol

Where is the option for - I am not gay?

that doesnt mean you are healthy

wait till you guys hit 35ish- its all down hill as far as tryin to keep weight down/low

Good lord you are homophobic.

i take it that you’ve never met devin?

he’s roughly the consistency of your wife.