Inspired by the daily Mighty Taco eaters...

oh fuck. I guess I’m doing pretty good for going on 2 years at a desk job then.

I weigh around 220… 6’3"

I’d really like to get to 200

edit: and HUGE word to desk jobs suck for keeping in shape.

i SHOULD weigh about a50 or so. I probably weigh 160-165.


Wow! Nitroinsane’s a whopper! :stuck_out_tongue:

6’4" 185lbs.

going to buffalo wild wings twice a week for lunch doesnt help either.

lol there is no way joe weighs that much :lol:

180 was 160 about a year and a half ago. I hate sitting at a desk eating cookies all day. Sarah just signed me up for the gym yesterday and I get to go see a trainer tomorrow to get my fat ass back in shape.

lol yeah I met him once. I don’t remember him being big. Maybe he’s got a lead leg?

Two weeks ago I was about 182, I tipped JUST under 190 last night, planning on hitting 200 in the next few weeks :slight_smile:

im fuckin chubby. I hate it, I have this gut…Im 6’ and weight about 185-190…want to get down to 170ish maybe lower…once i finish the semester i’m gonna get a gym membership FTW

i want to see a plot of times going to mighty vs weight.

I’ve been sitting steady at low 180’s for a while, but I haven’t been exercising at all. I’ve finally admitted that I don’t have time to go to the gym so I’ve started back in on my calisthenics routine. Hopefully that’ll put a dent in my gut.

A whopping 148 and rising :wink:

You should change this thread to “Back When I Liked Myself I Weighed…”

Because those are the only responses i’m seeing :stuck_out_tongue:

Mighty has turned me into such a fatty. I’m going to go cut myself now. :frowning:

i think you’d need to add a third “height” axis to make it even remotely accurate, though.

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Can you spot the point when the person died?

EDIT: Fuck. That was going to be mildly amusing.

235 two years ago.
Broke up with beer.
Started a relationship with running, dropped to 185.
Got a real job, began an affair with jims/beer, broke up with running.
Back up to 210-215ish. :eek:
Rekindling the running flame, and dropping weight again :tup:

(I’m 6’1")

way to be an outlier. dick.