Installed header and now...

The only weird noises I get are a slight “gurgling” between 1500-2000 rpm.

I also get some backfire pops as well. I was considering the WS2 but I think I’ll go with the Nismo, after I save up some funds. It’s gonna be awhile :lol:

Hope you figure out your problem.

I got my apointment but dam not until the 31st, wow. Well on the way home i threw this code?
P0455 Evaporative Emission Control System Leak Detected (gross leak)

*edit - might be a good time to mention (seeing what kind of code that is) that i did do my butterfly screws about a week before i got my headers.

Check to see if your gas cap is closed, then look at all your fuel line, anything that might run fuel. You’ll only trow that one if Evap sense a huge leak (it can detect less than a pin point hole) so its probably the gas cap…