Insuring a car with a rebuilt title?

Looking for a new car for the wife. She saw a car that she likes but it has a rebuilt title which I assume means it was in an accident and considered toatled. The car is clean as he’ll and looks like whoever repaired it did a hell of a job. This isn’t my first choice and to be honest I plan on staying away from it but out of curiosity does insuring a car with a rebuilt title pose some issues with the insurance company or cause the insurance to go up?

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no problems with it at all.
Book value is lowered though.

My dad’s previous car had a salvage title and he insured it without an issue. He didnt put collision on it but he could have if he wanted to.

buy my accord?

I have never been asked about title when insuring a vehicle. Most companies will insure anything at a price. Registering salvage cars is were you find issues. Don’t worry about insurance. They will be more than happy to take your money.

registration isnt a problem as long as its been thru the NY theft inspection.

the ins is the same , as long as it has been yellow tagged it has a rebuilt title and so on with a new vin . ins wont change at all

She doesnt what a standard, and she wants an SUV

what ya lookin at

Looking at Nissan Xterras mostly.

I’m familiar with them so repairs should be a little easier for me to take care of rather than having to bring it some where.

Uses the same motor as the Z basicly, just a 3.3 instead of a 3.0

We found a few really nice ones.

She changes her mind every 10 minutes as to what she wants anyways :rofl

Xterras are junk. And i don’t care what she wants, buy my accord.

they dont change the vin

yes they do jellies . on the yellow tag and new reg is a new vin . i just did one today homie

They didnt change the vin on my dad’s Olds when I got the title for it. No yellow tags anywhere either.

Where I used to work I probably worked on 50 or more salvage cars.

You’re welcome, lol

At work we deal with a few a-rabs’s who buy totaled cars, fix them up cob-job style and ship them back to the mother land so some camel jockies can rock some fly cars. I was talking to the one guy and he said the cars wouldn’t have a chance of passing an inspection here, but they need nothing overseas. /absolutely pointless post

where do u work ?

I deliver for empire auto parts

really the only reason they wouldnt pass inspection here would be using stolen parts or not having receipts.

You can pretty much zip tie a car together and get a title for it.