integra gsr > ser spec v

ill run u the next day its dry. from a dig i guess but what ever 4o roll instead of 30

from a 40 roll and a dead stop sounds good to me

ugh noobs i love it

did he get banished because he thought a dig and dead stop weren’t the same thing? Sucks.

lol, why the banish?

lol only fry and myself know that reason lol

streetglow, you can not type well (spell)…

and get someone else to type up your kill story…

:tup: for the kill
:tdown: for the writing

ah thanks but i would love for u to pick out my errors

this is blkgsr’s old car right? black with the bronze rims? if so, seen it on union yesterday still looks clean always was a fan of that car

ah idk lol if it is i got it with some other wheels i just put those on. but yea i guess they used to have bronze before. And thanks

where the hell is he anyhow?


brian? he’s still here, i see him at hockey ~3 times a week. he sold the integra when he got his sti