Intel CEO Paul Otellini Says Intel Won't Upgrade to Vista til SP1


It’s a good point


It’s a good point


I know it’s a good point and there are probably a lot of CEO’s that agree but I think it’s funny that a guy in his position would come out and say those things about his good buddy Bill Gate’s opus.

Even he knows that “Intel and AMD giveth and Microsoft taketh away”

i doubt any large companies are going to make a vista switch anytime soon


i doubt any large companies are going to make a vista switch anytime soon


Again, that is not the point that I am trying to make, every smart individual knows now to make the switch immediately, the point is, most of them would rather keep quiet than state something like Paul did.

i’m not upgrading my home computers to that expensive os, period.

When i figure that its time to buy new computers, i’ll buy dells with preloaded windows for 399 or 499, whatever the slickdeals price is at the time.


I know it’s a good point and there are probably a lot of CEO’s that agree but I think it’s funny that a guy in his position would come out and say those things about his good buddy Bill Gate’s opus.


Believe me, the irony is not lost.

Also noteworhty:


I like this quote:

“Consumers will like Vista as they play with it,” he thought. It’s “closer to the Mac than we’ve been on the Windows side for a long time.”

Yeah, from what I’ve heard, alot of existing PC software and hardware won’t work with it… just like a Mac.


I like this quote:

“Consumers will like Vista as they play with it,” he thought. It’s “closer to the Mac than we’ve been on the Windows side for a long time.”

Yeah, from what I’ve heard, alot of existing PC software and hardware won’t work with it… just like a Mac.


I also found that rather laugh-inspiring.


I like this quote:

“Consumers will like Vista as they play with it,” he thought. It’s “closer to the Mac than we’ve been on the Windows side for a long time.”

Yeah, from what I’ve heard, alot of existing PC software and hardware won’t work with it… just like a Mac.

