Intercooler talk ITT with rainbow wheels (split)

Sbardy is a russian penor lover. Loving the illegal russian penor. If the black camarobird losses, I shall call the deportation police.

I’m sure he’s thankful for you letting him in this country sir hotwheels. Which parts are Russians frowned upon? Every russian I know pays taxes and has a job.

This is gonna get ugly.

Can you hear his accent when he moans? Fuckin illegal russians.

You shut your whorish fucking mouth before this really gets out of control.

Keep talking shit, everyone talks shit till they get tea bagged and a fart wafted in their face

Unless its your own fart cause every one loves their own brand

Whoa whoa trainingwheels. Calm downn.


Yeah yeah, go hide your russian immigrant… Better yet, teach him how to drive so the black camarobird doesn’t leave a shit streak up the hood.

Go waste more time on your boat to run 12’s. DIAF.

SBardy, do you even have a ride? If so, please sign up for an ass kicking.


Chris A.K.A “The Russian Deporter”

Its below 12’s but, nice try! Must of had a few smirnoff ice’s today.

Only the ones I used to give your wife an anal enigma. It might be below 12’s, but it still looks like the shit in your pants.

Go put a tdi swap in your molester van then put some bbs wheels on it to be cool.

Coming from the dude who asked to suck me off in my van :lol

Chris, what’s worse? Me hiding russians or you hiding little kids in you basement?

You hiding little russians in your basement.

Need to chill man. Youre acting like a prick to people who came to your side and defense when you were attacked by some asshole. Chill out

We frown upon people like you around these parts. Weirdo