Interest Check: Another Augest Niagara Meet?

from what i hear at the restaurant they were happy to have us.

from what we see fromall who attended it went really really well.

is there any reason why we shouldnt do it again this summer?

i have spoken to a few people who didnt show up and i am thinking that after summer exams and a few other things that people have going on we could do this again.

perhaps just before school startsup again, in the last week or so of august we could have another meet like this?

with some alterations to reduce the risk of accidents and perhaps a few other options as well?

it actually turned out to be a good thing that the cruises were split up into 3-4 different ones, and i am sure that weather affected everything as well.

what do you guys say?

any requests for menu changes?

i will get the full feedback from the restaurant staff today at some point and post for you guys to see.

Last week before augest might be a little hectic for some … I know I personally will be in the middle of getting my new house ready and moving my stuff in.

Mid augest is a pretty chill time …

I’m Down for another meet again Bing, I had a Blast.

But we have to ensure one thing next time, IT DOESN’T RAIN!

EDIT: Name Tags are a must with Screen Name and Actual Names.

Agreed. Even if you exchange names you lose track quick meeting 30+ people in a single day.

im down (obviously)

Agreed. Even if you exchange names you lose track quick meeting 30+ people in a single day.[/quote]

Agreed. One other thing, would a friday or saturday be better?

ill be there :smiley: for sure rain or shine but since weve done the rain thing lets have it during a nice day

ndto Posted: Tue Jul 20, 2004 9:05 pm Post subject:

ill be there for sure rain or shine but since weve done the rain thing lets have it during a nice day

Ya so that we can push are cars to the limit, and not be worried about sliding off the road :smiley:

Saturday would best for me. I’d have a couple hours driving both ways so if the meet were on a Saturday, I could just rent a motel and stay over. This would also give me a chance to get a real taste of the touge. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ya I think saterday would be better for the reason that A lot of people work early on monday mornings.

Saturday would be best, prolly rent a room myself. And I can drive all nite!
No rain would be VERY nice for some touge grip!

the reason saturday isnt as good an idea is becuase we would stick out like a sore thumb on a saturday night…

the following excuse has been used by several people pulled over during our cruises on sunday nights:

“sorry officer, i got lost, i was up here for cruise night in the falls and i guess i went the wrong way. I’m not from around here.”

works every time.

sunday is easier to get the same kind of treatment at the restaurant, and the cruise night on lundy’s lane is another reason why sunday is better.

this past cruise night was pretty weak on account of weather and darkknights.

Bing, I am definately in for another meet. Sunday was awesome! Thanks again for everything man.

I see what you are saying about it being better on Sunday, and I do agree even though I, like others, have to work very early on Mondays.

What do you think about actually organizing mini cruizes for the next meet?
We could have 3 different routes, all meeting up at the same place.
I would be willing to lead a group around if need be.

—Now I see why everyone loves Bing!!—

Im in! :smiley: Friday, Saturday, Sunday rain or shine I don’t care if a hurricane is coming Im in damn it!!!..Only one problem It has to be after September 6 th. Please Bing [-o< do it for me dude , Im getting back from Europe on September 6 th so anytime after that would be totaly cool. I store my car for the winter in October and I think many other people usualy store their cars around that time so I think it would be nice to have another Niagara meet during the end of September before people start storing their cars…Let’s say Sunday September 19 th or Sunday September 26 th?

Way to far away. Has to be in August before school starts I’d think… Sorry man.

Sunday Sept. 5th. My birthday and day before school starts. :naughty:

Id be intrested in coming again too
this time i’ll have my car with me too yih yih

As you know Bing I will be there for sure on account that I live about a 5 min walk from the cozy

Why does everybody mention these “touge” runs. Like they have anything to do with the meet. What ever you do when the meet is done is up to you and has nothing to do with the organization. But I’m in for another meet. I might even be able to drive my self that time.

im down… soooo disapointed i missed part 1…

however… maybe 2 weeks from now? seems the end of august is a bad time for everyone