Interest Check: Fiberglass

like i said , anything that we could see , and make a mold of could be done , and this wouldnt be until i talked to my step dad about it…

if its good glass then fiberglass is great, easy to fix etc like solarian said but if its cheap glass and laid to thin then it will warp in the heat and look like ass. and if your planning on driving the car in the winter the glass becomes britle. example a lil tap on a curb could take half of ur bumper. but if its was warm out i maybe be a scuff mark. also its a great way to shave off some pounds.

there was a generation of corvette (and im sure plenty of other cars) that were 100% fiberglass bodies. It’s not as bad as some people are making it out to be if it’s done right.

//edit// apparently vette bodies were fiberglass form 1953 thru 1982.

go figure.

Lotus Espirits are 100% fiberglass, that’s why they weigh like an S13 and go like stink despite not having that much power :wink:

talking to my step dad , says there is insurance problems with making fiberglass parts ,and molds are pricey , sp if we made a mold , we would need costumers to buy that part… ill let you know , im gonna ask him next time i speak to him