interesting article on female orgasms

I love vrooom


You just suck in bed I bet. That’s all.


ahh…but because everybody is different, all little guidance can go a long way…

That made me burst out laughing.

  1. guys say they are hung … so what ? thats one of the many lies guys tell, and dont even try to tell me that, on average, women dont lie as much as men do

if you wanna know what a guys packing BEFORE you have sex with him … ASK … if its to small for your pleasure … PASS

  1. This is VERY QUICKLY fixed by saying "do this honey… it feels good … do that, it gets me off fast …ect ect

  2. socks are dry stimulation for a guy, your hand is dry stimulation for a guy, the guys own hand is the same thing. your vagina also counts as the same after you screw up both item one and item two on this list, and then decide to just lay there like a bump on a log, instead of taking a little initiative and getting the guy to give it to you right

and i love the “these days” comment… and eveyone tries to sell that comment on other people … but the truth is LIFE HASNT CHANGED THAT MUCH … its simply a matter of 2 possible things:

  1. the public acceptance level of something has changed, and therefor people are more likely to talk about it … example … the gay lifestyle
  2. your perception of things that has changed … example - when u were first starting to have sex … ALL SEX WAS GREAT … because it was sex, and you were getting it … and thats all that mattered

It’s not that the guy’s dick is small, it’s that the girl’s pouse is looser than… well… something really loose.

HHAHAH!! :biglaugh: Nice!

Hey Vroom

I’m hung like a can of tunafish. Does that work or do you need length more than girth?

LOL @ this thread

This site is off to a great start :smiley:

AHAHAHAHA right… well thats all fine and dandy with me just know that like i said im gonna get mine regardless if you get yours…

so your comment towards me makes me not give 2 shits…

money hungry women fake relationships too…but yeah for the most part its guys.

We all wana get off, but i’m gunna feel alot better busting a nut in some girls mouth after she just got done leaving a huge wet spot on my bed. I never understood the whole point in just busting a nut unless i’m hammered and I know the girl i’m banging i’m gunna regret the next morning, then theres a reason to get mine and say fuck her.

I’ll put it this way I love pussy, and if it’s good for the girl the more i’m gunna get from her. Where if it sucks, do you think shes gunna wana keep fucking me… prolly not.

hey BTW lol Chris when’s the last time you got laid?

WOAH!!! People are taking my post waaaaay too seriously. Chill man. I was replying more to the article then trying to make any personal attacks anyone so stop being so damn deffensive! LoL

And I wasn’t just talking about MY thoughts and opinions on things…I think I can say I’m speaking for ALOT of girls- a group of us chicks were just discussing these things the other day and I was just relaying the general consensus.

So I don’t care how big your penis is or what I could do to better my own sex life. Just read that post and take from it what you will.

last night … wanna see pics? …

hmm wonder what thats called then…:lol: love you too tracer!!

Ok my bad…I WAS picking on YOU lol

exactly… meh its ok but still im bored so lets post some pics up in here…


wait…when was the last time you got laid?:biglaugh: