rental agree…since some asshat thought it would be a good idea to sue the car dealer that loans a car which hits them. Instead of suing the actual driver they decide that the dealer is at fault. So now all dealers give out rental cars if you are lucky.
I guess it is ok a buy a $30+ car if your under 21 but its not ok for them to give you a replacement car if yours is being worked on.
My dad’s truck had a brake recall on it, which west herr said would take 1 hour tops. I get there (my dad has my car) and they say I have at least a 3 hour wait…WTF! So I calmly wake over to the showroom and ask if I can show my wife (which I don’t have) a new Colorado. They say sure set me up and everything, I tell them I’ll be 30 minutes, then I call on my cell phone and tell them I will be 3 hours…HA fuckers. They weren’t very happy when I got back, and I told the guy thats how I felt when I arrived, don’t fuck people.