Interesting mistaken identity news article

Cliff Notes:
2 girls got into a car accident on April 26th. They looked alike. One of them died, one was in a coma. Come to find out, the family that buried the girl that died, was not her family, their daughter was the one that was actually in the coma.

Interesting how the family couldn’t tell until she started talking. I think i’d be able to tell my own daughter’s figure, birth marks, etc.

Read that like night, holy shit that would be so exciting for one family. And so insanely depressing to the other family to not have said their “good-byes”/the loss of a child.

I read about that too…unbelievable. I didn’t think they looked THAT much alike. some one screwed up huge in that investigation.


they dont look that much like in their BEFORE pictures … BUT

the one in a coma suffered facial swelling, broken bones and cuts and bruises, and was in a neck brace.

noone looks like themselves after a wreck like this

i cant beleive that noone tried to ID either girl tho, thats just plaine fucking retarded