Interesting Paint Scheme for a R32.....

so i came across this while i was looking at one of the other forums i check out…

Anyone know the owner of this one? i have a feeling i might but im not too sure

Looks like a chop, cool though :cool:

os that illegal?

It’s photoshop.

Its a chop, but definitely cool/funny

haha that’s pretty damn cool


I’d cry if I saw that shit on the road lol

^ IIRC there’s a guy on GTRC that was or is doing his up like a JDM cop car for shows etc, but he’s out west, and it’s not the OPP scheme.

Amusing chop though.

wasn’t that Steve that did that? im pretty sure

240sx copper! Just need some stickers! bahahaha

Ya I’m pretty sure that was done to Steve’s(G.T.R) request.

comm`on derek you must make fun of my white door lmao

some foreign places use porsche, lambo’s and ferrari’s as cop cars. good luck running away

rims is instant give away.

yea bc I remember seeing pics on his facebook or somewhere

x2 soo fake looking

Yeah, tim and Scortt are both thinking of the same person i am haha, i know he was supposed to be doing the opp designs on his car with vinyl since he’s co-oping with the OPP. Never saw it tho, just wanted to see if anyone could confirm that this was his haha