Interior Question

Hey Guys,

Just was in the process of removing my interior tonight out of my S13 and ran into a bit of a problem. When i went to take the black piece that surrounds the guage cluster it gets caught on the lever used to adjust the steering wheel, anyways after some shifting and twisting i broke a chunk off the effin thing :evil: .

Is there any trick to doing this??


did you remove the steering collum cover do that and be careful or you can un bolt the collum

it can be removed without dropping the steering column, but it’s tricky… and more often than not you’ll end up cracking/breaking it.

once the panels have been removed you only have 2 get at 2 bolts to drop/pull down on the column… simple.

this is what i’m finding out, i’m 1 for 2 so far for removing it w/o breaking anything. I think i’ll unbolt the column just for simplicity sake.

Thanks guys!

lowering tha steering column is easy, ive done it on a few 240s. if i remember correctly, theres 4 nuts jus undo them 4 and tha whole thing will drop on your face! but yea, anyways jus make sure u get someone or something to hold it up after the 4 nuts are off. :wink:

2 bolts

it was 2 bolts?!?! hmmm maybe i remembered it wrong, cuz i did a interior swap on 2 240s at once, and i remember overtigtening one of tha nuts and tha bolt snapped. soo yea jus another tip, dont over tighten!

meh, it’s only the steering column, can’t hurt too bad, almost had the flywheel come down on me this winter :shock: that might of tickled :stuck_out_tongue: