This is by far the most real news I’ve seen in a long time. The country needs more people like this.
this man is amazing.
I don’t know if I could ever be that calm in such a situation. You go to the range, you practice, but you’ll never really know unless you’re put into a situation like that. Hopefully I’ll never find out.
The part in the interview where he was talking about all the people talking about why he went out barefoot and he made the joke, “because I didn’t have shoes on” but then got serious and said every time he heard a shot, “I knew that shot was assigned to someone else and I didn’t have time to put shoes on”. Damn dude, respect.
“I set the rifle down on the hood and put my hands up and the officer yelled at me: Not You!!” Hahahaha
“fuck it, Im going out shoeless” - Dane Cook
Is all I could think about when I read / heard that.
Amazing man for sure. Hell the driver of the truck he got in with in pretty great too.
This video made me happy.