Investment Simulator Challenge! 10/07 - Yr end

can someone explain what short selling really means?

You basically borrow stock and sell it at the current price. You get the cash, but you have to keep a certain percentage in your account as collateral. If it goes down, when you want to close you buy it back at the lower price and keep the difference. If it goes up, you have to take a loss.

yeah… I’ll stick with the basics for now :smiley: I’m sure I’ll pick it up as I go. Too much to learn in one day

how does one borrow stock? What type of stock is it? (common?) or does that not matter?

its just the opposite of buying stock. Its the same stock as you’d buy, only you sell it without actually owning it.

so, you’re essentially playing the “middle man”?

It’s a nature of exchanges, tthey play the middleman. They have some of each security available to “borrow” and immediately sell at the current price. If it goes down, you profit cause you sold them for higher than you have to pay back. If it goes up, its like interest, and you owe more than what you borrowed

oh, ok… I gotcha.

Keep in mind that if you short sell something you’re potential for loss is infinite.

If you short something @ $10 / share, and it continues to rise you continue to lose money on it.

Shorted @ $10 and the stock goes to $40, you lost $30 per share.

ouch… too high risk

given todays markets and the fact that teh simulator apparently sucks @ stop orders… kinda ya.

You need to keep an eye on them.

It’s a good way to make a quick bump, but not a long position for sure.

For example, since open this morning:

MORGAN STANLEY 10000 $12.97 $8.32 $83,200.00 35.85 % $46,500.00

yea, whoops i was out of the office yesterday/today and didnt have time to watch my stocks… took a pounding, should have short sold… oh well

wow, you know what they said about you have to have money to make money?

Account Value (USD): $1,251,769.24

well, I learned a lot today.

one being not to invest in the auto or tech industry if you want to make a quick buck (at least in the current condition)

or not, Tata and Apple FTW

i want my custom title control


haha, your title is going to be CDCB Founding Member. or just FGGT. havent decided yet

ahhh, CDCB

If its CDCB we will make lots of money and hang out at the club drinking scotch then enjoying lots of C and H.

If its FGGT I will steal all of your money and enjoy lots of C and H.

nice… roughly 11K ahead and climbing