Investment Simulator Challenge! 10/07 - Yr end

ill trade ya. im losin real money and making money in the simulator

how long does it take for you to actually buy and sell?

just bought a lot of Ford stock… up 12% already today (was at 9% when I first purchased it)

edit: almost 15.5%
edit: 17%
edit: 18%

WTF? still says “pending”

Ohhhh my folio liquidation a few weeks back seemed like a good move now lol. Anyhow im tired and have the day off so im taking a nap. Can you do me a favor and give me a call if the market goes down close to 300 so I can start buying again? Thanks.

What the hell I beat Jay at losing just to be undertaken by Mister O man. Unacceptable.

Yes I did yesterday after not having checked it for a few days my whole strategy was out of whack so. meh.

If you’re placing market orders you should see them executed within ~2 minuets. If you’re placing limit orders there is a HUGE delay for some unknown reason. Judging by the thread most everyone is using market orders for just that reason. :meh:


EvilJay is just holding cash @ 5% interest… about the “safest” plan out there.

im gonna have a million dollars by the end of today if the financials keep going down

ah, that sucks :tdown: oh well… hopefully it does ok.

I’m reading the tutorial before I do anything else :stuck_out_tongue:

i suck

I’m making a few bux today… not quite joebux… but bux.

one stock keeping me alive, up 61% since friday. All the rest are falling.

I need MS to go down to 0.01, then I’ll be good.

Account Value (USD): $1,036,497.13

I think you can just sell everything off and just haing out til the new year :lol:

Cover Stock: Cover at Market

^What’s that? The “buy” part of short selling a stock?

yeah, the way you un-short sell a stock is to buy that number of shares to “cover” your short position.

Gotcha. I was just looking at your trades trying to figure out how to not lose money. Turns out I should just short my scottrade portfolio. :lol:

I’ve been shorting shit left & right in the simulation.

IRL I’ve been shorting a few things as well, just not as aggressively.

lol, i’ve shorted every stock in my real life portfolio in the last week on there :frowning:

