iPhone goes enterprise

LOL at “it was a dumb move”… how many have been sold again? Almost 30% market share? YEA - TERRIBLE BUSINESS IDEA.

How many morons are out there still talking about “features, features, features”?.. Its all about the interface and integration. It’s game changing, and the announcement this week proves that Apple will be the company that leads the mobile industry for the next decade, at least.

Just wait until the fully integrated voip applications start hitting the appstore… Free Calls on Wifi, Calls that are AS EASY to make as a normal call, that utilize the contact list, etc. This is just one of a million ideas that can be implemented on this platform, and work better than they have ever worked on anything, ever.

Gaming - Accelerometer, Ambient Light Sensor - Console level graphic ability, think of the possibilities.

Noone is saying that 3G wouldnt be nice, but if it came at the expense of battery life, size or any number of other things - I don’t think I would care for it. 90% of the time I need to use internet enabled applications, I have wifi available. Outside of wifi, EDGE does the job.