iPhone Profit Margin...HOLY SHEEIT!!

Steve Balmer laughs at iPhone…

The profit margin sounds pretty normal to me for electronics. Keystone is 40 and electronics generally have a higher margin than most things. Of course it’s night and day compared to car parts which have terrible margins. :rofl:

There are always exceptions like some gaming consoles which they give away knowing they’ll make it up on the games/accessories.

No doubt. Just like cell phone accessories, AV cables, extended warrantees…

fancy skins to make your phone look classy.

there’s no profit margin in consumer sales on the iPod. manufacturing, there’s profit.

cables and warranties=ca$h money

That dangly shit people hang off the antenna…hot!

I wish my car had an antenna…

BTW, your mom told me about the lights. Ghey.

one might say it was das uber gay. But its getting taken care of.

Was that before or after you kicked her out of bed?

hahaha I realized that was way too easy.

Back to the matter at hand.

A $500 phone makes PS3 seem like a good deal.

profit - is why some of us are getting rich… lol

Subscribed to read other posts.
Using the word profit by itself is pretty vague.

You know you can subscribe without posting, right?

I couldn’t resist making a comment too.:wink:

Yeah, they’re really vague about what constitutes “profit”. If it’s simply selling price minus variable costs, then they’re not accounting for probably millions and millions spent on R&D, patents, buying the iPhone trademark from cisco, and tons of other fixed costs that they have to recoup. Until you see how many they sell, it’s impossible to divide those up.

I don’t think they have purchased any trademark from Cisco yet as Cisco has the iPhone on the front of their website.

Exxon Mobil poops on that lol

from what i remember they make a boatload on itunes.

One would think @ $1 a song…