IROC ( not what you thought... )

looks pretty cool actually, and I’m not a VW fan at all


green is the worst car color evar but other than that it looks good!

cant make the italian retard out cruzin joke with that car :frowning:

no mullet, no care

looks pretty sweet!

looks sweet, not sure about the name…although it’s clever-

Does that remind anyone of the Civic front end (in shot #7) with a reworked set of inserts…and a Mini back end, stretched & squashed and then with a lowered roof line.

hells no, they gonna ruin a good name:stick:

how can they? :mullet: aren’t the 80’s over, this is retro, plus it’s ScIROCco :slight_smile:

80s will never die!! look at the metal rock of today. goin back to guitar solos and more melody and less screamo.

true, but if some kid comes up to me and says he has an iroc, the last thing going through my head is some ugly as hell new vw.

I am not sure how much you know about EMO :puke: :HAHA:

Yeah, but there is still tons of Punk that’s decently screamo as you call it, and Sailors favorite band like Slayer isn’t out of commission

I think it’s more advertising than anything, nobody that drives a rocco is going to call it an IROC, well I guess I need to say I hope not vs nobody…cause you know some dubmass will

make it rwd and it would be cool like the volvo hatchback

I had an 86 Scirocco for my first car when I was 18 I loved that car, too bad my best friend had to total it for me.

Now the russians are trying to steal the VW steez :wink: :stuck_out_tongue: