Is Christianity a religion or a philosophy?

Heard this brought up recently in a conversation and had to look this up.


[LEFT]uring the contentious interview, O’Reilly insisted that Christmas displays in public buildings were not a constitutional issue because Christianity is not a religion.
“It is a fact that Christianity is not a religion, it is a philosophy,” the Fox News host declared confidently. “If the government was saying that the Methodist religion deserves a special place in the public square, I would be on your side.”
Silverman said he would be just as upset if a public figure promoted atheism.
“Jesus Christ,” O’Reilly said, then apologized. He added that Christmas trees had nothing to do with Christianity and were a secular symbol.
Silverman responded that he was not against Christmas celebrations per se, he was only against the government favoring Christianity over other religions.
O’Reilly said Silverman’s views were “insane” and that he should get his “merry band of fascists” together to “re-vote” on Christmas being a federal holiday. After Silverman objected to being called a fascist, O’Reilly again reiterated the point by saying he was a fascist because he wanted to banish Christmas.

Apparently this has quite a following…

Christianity is NOT Religion The Latin word from which the English word “religion” is derived means “to bind up.” Jesus did not come to bind us up in rules and regulations or rituals of devotion, but to set us free to be man as God inended.

“The difference between Christianity and every other faith in the world is that all other religions are about man trying to reach up to God. Christianity is about God reaching down to man.”


Jesus Christ Vlad… lol
You love to stir the pot, haha

Shift518…we know drama :rofl

Well without Ilya posting on here anymore because of a previous thread, I guess we will never know the answer!

Good. Now make these “Christian philosophy” churches pay their taxes now.

i am so down for that. take some pressure off the working class

but i dont think its anything other than a religon.

they always seem to change it up a bit to attract newbs.

i say make your own religion and then you have philosphy

Religion is a crutch for the weak I.m.o , ya ever notice people only travel the religous road when times r tough ! They gotta belive a faceless entity is gonna save em .

good opnion.

what if people never knew about religion?

would people still use it as a crutch? i doubt it

religion is one of those things that i ask myself if its true and something was that good my govt would probally keep it for their intrest and not tell us. like all the cool technology.

religion is a control. just like when your parents used to say " ooooo no dont do anything bad becasue santa claus is watching". chances are if you believe in santa you will not do the things your parents dont want you to do. hence a control.

i bet if the people had more free time to think and push philosphy and free thinking we would have alot more new ideas. free thnking is the key to upgrading your human. just like a video game the guy who is level 100 has a better chance than a level 1 in beating the game. make yourself better everyday and the worst thing that happens is you become a better man. people who think better have a better chance in alot of things

i say nay with religion and yay with free thinking. lets hear something new i havent heard before

That post just got you out of the red, pitman.

Is it a religion? It depends on who you ask. Religion apparently has a loose definition. I’m an atheist, but many people believe that atheism itself is a religion where I define it as a lack-thereof.

My opinion? Christianity is just a bad, perpetual joke.

bill oreilly on fox news, yes lets discuss what a moron on a fake news channel said.

or not.

You can’t explain that.

ratings come in, drivel goes out.