Is cold weather bad for automotive wax?

I never really got a good answer on this one way or another. I, like most people, keep all my car stuff in the garage… even all winter long.

now that it’s nice again, I’d like to give the car a wash and a waxing… but do you supposed the wax that I purchased last year is still good? Or does the wax freezing, change anykind of molecular structure of the wax or anything?

I imagine that it’s not good for it, but is it bad for it?

its hard to wax when its really cold out.

I got some prestone “synthetic” wax that says its ok for direct sunlight applications or cold weather.

It seems to spread out fine and work normal when its too cold or too hot for wax.

well, I mean more in the sense of… if it freezes, then thaws… does it effect the wax in question?

hell, maybe I’ll just use yours justin :stuck_out_tongue:

waxed my car friday…just put in the garage ad do it.

lol at them not understanding the question.

I’m not sure if storing in the cold affects the wax though

I had the same question a few years ago…my buddy that does body work say he thinks its not good but, I used it anyway with no probs…then felt like it wasnt right, bought new wax, and did it all over again.

lol, it did make me lol how everyone was answering that its ok to wax in cold weather…ha

i think the base of the stuff seperates when it actually freezes.

toss it, buy new. Your losing what, $5?

lol…my bad…yes, the bases can separate…but I store mine in the garage and no problems…just shake the bottle so everything mixes.

when i waxed my car last week, i used some wax that was left over from last year, and it streaked on the car pretty bad. i’ve never had that happen to me before, and i’ve also never used old wax before. Someone else told me that if the wax gets cold like over winter, it ruins it, so based on that and what happened to me, id have to say yes.

i’ve been using the same tin of wax (paste not liquid) for the past couple years. It still works fine.

some products will turn to shit if they freeze. Store your stuff indoors

edit: read what the kid wrote and asked instead of making up your own fucked up nyspeed version of the post