Is everyone enjoying $4 a gallon so far?

hey u, get off of shift with your logic. it is no place for it. we like to wear our tin foil hats and everything we say is right because it came out of our mouth…and everyone ignored my post :lol

btw +rep

I think Aaron (rocket punch) summarized and predicted it pretty well :tongue

Time to buy a motorcycle and a 96 civic hx


A few times over :rofl

I can actually.

A bunch of OIL dudes in the middle east paid some geologists to botch some number on estimates of how much oil was availible so that they could make more money. The middle east doesnt have nearly as much oil as they say that have or everyone speculated they have. We pay for the shortage dearly which our government sicks back on its oil reserves that a actually being used to fuel government bureaucrat vehicles.

3 sentences.

I have a really close friend whose job is to do nothing but fly around the world and find way to rape the earth in every place possible for its oil. He has told me a few times if you want cheap gas let them drill alaska and canada its the biggest oil reserve on the plannet right now

if prices continue to climb, i will buy a motorcycle /PJB

Diesel has went up like 30 cents this week…

Shopping for a used 50~150cc scooter for work and errands, they get 80~90 mpg. I don’t even want to take my 600 out if I am not having fun on it…lol

me and joey just got out scooter, this bad boy gets about 80mpg

SAMSONITE. Haha, I was way off!

slippy, slappy slommy, oh wait its on the briefcase. lmfao. movie has to many one liners to quote plus i dont want to get off topic from this Mr. Borophyll talk.

when I bought my truck diesel was 5 a gallon. Paid 4.12 today.

I am sorry did I said $4 in the title? I really meant $5…:rofl

$5 a gallon for gas? Get ready, experts say

BY FRANCINE KNOWLES Business Reporter/ Mar 23, 2011 03:14PM

gasoline prices approaching $4 a gallon are draining your wallet, brace yourself. Oil industry experts say gas prices could hit $5 a gallon — possibly before summer.

Blame the war in Libya and continuing unrest in other parts of the Middle East and North Africa, experts say.

The region produces 27 percent of the world’s oil.

Libya, which sits on the largest oil reserves in Africa, has almost totally stopped petroleum shipments as rebels battle troops loyal to Col. Moammar Gadhafi. The addition of international forces, including the U.S., could mean that the country will be embroiled in a protracted conflict that could keep oil fields offline much longer than previously expected, energy experts said.

In Yemen, embattled President Ali Abdullah Saleh pledged to step down more than a year early, but his refusal to leave immediately infuriated tens of thousands of demonstrators. Yemen is an important transfer point for global oil supplies.

“It’s creating a situation where we could see the price of oil go up to $150 a barrel and gasoline toward $5 a barrel,” said Phil Flynn, an oil industry analyst with Chicago-based PFGBest.

Prices are likely to be steeper in the city than other regions, Flynn said.

“In Chicago, the odds are higher because the summertime blends of gasoline are more expensive,’’ he said. “Our taxes are higher. So it is more likely that it’s going to happen here before it happens in other parts of the country.”

“Expect $5 a gallon gas by Memorial Day,” said Bob van der Valk, fuel price analyst with 4Refuel Inc., a Canadian fuel management firm.

When you also factor in the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, you have “the perfect storm” that will push prices up, he said.

The average price of unleaded regular gasoline in Chicago was $3.75 a gallon Tuesday, up 69 cents from a year earlier, according to AAA, Wight Express and the Oil Price Information Service. It’s 38 cents a gallon higher than a month ago. At some locations in the city, prices already are above $4 a gallon, according to

Nationally, the average price is $3.55 a gallon — and rising.

“It’s going to be $4, the average price, within the next two weeks with everything that’s going on in Libya,” van der Valk said.

U.S. pump prices will eventually hit record highs, he predicted.

According to AAA, $4 gas prices haven’t been seen since 2008. Alaska holds the record for an average high of $4.69 reached July 24, 2008, according to the auto club.

Oil prices, which have spiked in the last month, pushed as high as $105.18 a barrel Tuesday. At the close of the day, crude settled at $104.97 a barrel, up $1.88.

Van der Valk noted that crude is up about $6 a barrel from Friday. For every $1 increase in the price of crude oil, drivers can expect a 2œ- cent increase in the price of gasoline and diesel fuel, he said. The increases in crude oil prices over the past weekend have not yet been passed along to consumers at the pump, he said.

The spike in oil prices is making it more costly to travel by air. United and Continental airlines are raising fares on many U.S. routes $10 per round trip, a spokesman for the airlines confirmed Monday.

U.S. airlines have raised fares at least six times this year as they try to offset rising jet fuel costs. The last attempt failed when other airlines decided not to follow American Airlines when it raised prices earlier this month, also by $10 per round trip. Cheap seats will be harder to find this year, said Rick Seaney, chief executive officer of travel website

Contributing: AP

I’m gonna start raping arabs.

heh, so gas will be 5, e85 will be 4, diesel will be 6… hmmmmmmm


Jimmy is coming off the road very soon. 9mpg truck can eat my ass.

May not turbo the miata this year.

if you keep your foot out of it it wont be bad, hell it may be a little better on easy driving…

I know my Z got 3-4 more mpg’s when I put the turbs on and dident boot it all the time :rofl

I wouldn’t believe any of that shit. Experts also say the recession is over. Experts also say the world will end in 2012. Experts also say… The list goes on.

The more people prepare for $5/gallon gas, the more likely the prices will get that high.

^ +1