Is everyone enjoying $4 a gallon so far?

I’ve found a new hobby:

Not driving my car unless I absolutely positively have to. :rofl

An insanely light RWD turbo car. Do you really think I could daily it and not keep my foot off of the floor? :rofl

I’m not an expert but I play one on the interwebz.

the only experts that say the world is going to end in 2012 are expert wack jobs…and these are predictions based on trends/economic issues, it doesn’t mean its gonna happen 100%, things could change and the prices could stay down…kind of like how the weather man predicts the weather and it isn’t always right…

12/22/12; the day I will laugh in peoples faces.

Who’s to say that the 2012 people aren’t using data? lol

I know the economics issues are using data/trends/etc, but it’s still all bullshit to take their word. They’re about as consistent as the weather man.

I think if shit does go down, I’m gonna try to stay home lol.

By data you mean internet rumors that grew out of a misunderstanding about the cycles in ancient Mayan calendar?

Their data is that a circle stops.

I like my Corolla. Everything works.

It saves me money.

I had to go to Pittsfield today for work and the most expensive gas there is $3.459 and the cheapest is $3.379.

The last station in NY is $3.779. 40 cent difference is nuts.

93 there is cheaper than 87 here.

You should carry a can around with you, fill it, and dump it into the F150 after work.

My co-worker lives in Pittsfield, gas has always been cheaper there.

A week ago in Death Valley

$3.809 at Cumberland Farms up the street last night. Up 12 cents in 48 hours.

I get fuel at cost (obviously still including all taxes) and it’s STILL $3.609/gal…

I think gas prices will actually go down a few cents, once the situation in libya/ middle east calms down a bit. where is the cheapest diesel in the are btw? the cheapest i seen was the cumberland farms past hvcc towards east greenbush was $4.05.

^Hopefully. The thing is we don’t even import oil from Libya the European Union does but the instability still affects us.

My car takes premium so I’m well over $4 per gallon when I fill up. Even with my Advantage card it’s still up there and with groceries going up it’s a viscious cycle.

00.00.00 The day I will be first in line for the robotic takeover.

IMO i dont give a shit what the price is and theres no point in bitching about it cuz none of us can change the out come of the price and every one is still gonna keep driving so…price goes up ill keep beating the shit outa my sport bike and driving the shit outa my cars :thumbup

$4.49 today for 93.