Is everyone enjoying $4 a gallon so far?

little baby tank on that thing.

…In other news, Exxon Mobile 2011 Q1 Net Profit increased by 69% :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl


All the money I’m saving from not spending 9.75 a pack, at almost 2 packs a day will not mean shit because it’s just going to go right back into my tank…

I really don’t care to be honest… dont have a choice but to pay it… I’ll tell you that I really hat the 30 mile drive to work a little more now thou ugh

i love diesel and motorcycles.

I think I’m working for the wrong company LOL

Thought I read an article on a local news website claiming that prices might not go up much more over the summer like originally thought. Wish I knew what article it was…

Who rather have millionaire farmers and expensive corn at this rate?

if thats what happens, atleast the money is still on our shores and not going to some billionaire saudi prince.

No thanks. I’m not complaining about prices, I mean yeah it sucks but I am pretty good at budgeting my income so its not hurting my pockets as bad as I thought it would. And owning a bike helps LOL. Prices are certainly not going to stop me from enjoying what I like to do and thats riding.

My point exactly.

Minus the millions of dollars that will still be spent in trying to use corn more efficiently which in the end will cost more then help the us economy.

They are spending that money anyway. We need someone to genetically engineer a super corn that starts fermenting by itself and yields twice as much ethanol per volume… But back on topic before Vlad has to split another thread. $40 didn’t fill my 15gal tank from 1/4 yesterday. Sucks!

Yeah I mean it is depressing even filling the bike costs close to $20 from empty, when I first started riding 6 years ago it was like $10 to fill it up!

Ill grow my own corn and be rich like a crack dealer in Harlem

I paid $4.07 for regular in Cooperstown yesterday.

Thats what it is around here now too. Cumberland Farms up the road is $4.099

LOL, enjoy it guys. There will be a time when we say wish gas was $4 bucks again…:rofl:’(

Its gonna peak and come back down like it did in the winter of '08/09.

Economic experts ITT

Took me 40 bucks to fill a miata. Lame shit. Expecting the worst.