is it all original or rebuilt?

so…the long and short of it is my truck motor is getting rebuilt. im not doing the junkyard motor, im just paying to have it done RIGHT (new crank and all).

so. when this is all said and done, and i go to sell this thing (most likely it will be on eBay), do i use the fact that it has less than 500 miles on a new motor to my selling advantage, do i say its all original, or ‘they dont ask, i dont tell’?

i honestly dont know what to do here. i can see where saying it was re-built could make it look positive from a buyer’s prespective ("hey, this thing is in immacualte shpae and has a brand new motor, so its good to go) but i can also see where it would have negative effects as well (“hmm, barely 59k and a new motor? this thing must have had the shit beat out of it”).

in all honesty, the truck was not beat on (i dont beatr on it, and from what i can tell, neother did the other owners) it just had a bad headgasket early on in life and Dodge never fixed it right the first time so it just kept eating them untill finally it just checked out for good.

Is this a serious question!? It must be, because you setup a poll and everything. What if the buyer happens to see this thread? Then you look like a dipshit.

This is the INTERNET! NYspeed is NOT a little trust-tree where you can talk about chics from the olive gardens panties.

That is my answer.

new motor is positive… nobody cares what happened to the old motor cuz its gone

you tell them it was rebuilt because of a headgasket problem. if they want to ask more they will. don’t go hiding it tho, thats just shady.

don’t hide it

and hope for the best since you’re a young guy selling a 5.9 R/T with a blown engine

just be up-front and professional about it and you should get a decent buck to find another 5.0 to scatter yourself on youtube in, haha :slight_smile:


tell the truth, its not like the outside of the truck shows obvious signs of abuse or anything, so i doubt people will assum that the engine had to be patched back together

retain all the receipts from the rebuild to show that the engine was done right, and if its still apart, take pics of the internals to show that everything is proper

this way, noone has to wonder if you just threw some bearings in a trashed motor so it would sound good for 1000 miles

rebuilt and tell em y… no sense and hiding it… and :tup: to what pass mcgrass said…

i found a lot of shit out about the new bike i bougth before i bought it cuz somebody doesnt know how to keep his mouth shut on multiple forums with the same user name…


well, in a perfect world, some1 from here or someone that i kno would buy this thing and they would know how good i take care of this thing, that i dont beat on it, and what is going into the motor rebuild (by the way, i was just out there today to check on the progress and im biting the bullet and getting a new crank and the rods replaced, so its getting done RIGHT). but i kno no1 on here is gonna buy it.

i was thinking about taking the wokr oder that shows all of the costs, parts and whatnot that went into the motor rebuild, and scanning it into my computer (obviously photoshopping out names, phone numbers, and other such important stuff) and putting that in my ebay auction so people can see everything that went into it.

i would swap in a wrangler motor. they go FOREVER.