Is it bad?

LOL when i read his comment i was like man i must really suck. After thinking about all of the time i have spent messing with my car. What was i thinking?

well, removing the muffler off of a bike probably reduces the scavenging effect quite drastically (along with back pressure) since the size of the exhaust is so small.

although, most Harleys you see on the road don’t have shit except straight pipes. Maybe it’s just a coincidence? Besides… if anything, it would probably just kill the torque… don’t see why/how it would really hurt it

-Nothing will happen, it will be fine
-Sounds faster

dunno, maybe i’ve just got other things to resort to. my car has sat since the first snow, and I haven’t touched it at all. its not that I don’t have shit to do on the car, i’ve gotta pull the turblo this week as I sold it… and that doesn’t even rank that high. You can imagine where a random thought such as: “I should go pull the mufflers off of my stock 08 DD” ranks.

When I get bored, I clean my house; work on ongoing home improvement projects; chill out w/the wife; play with the puppy; poker; call up a friend i haven’t talked to in a while; read; sleep…


on any other car = gay. Boxer rumble = hot

Dude, I get your point, this is a car forum.
You should see what I do when I get bored other times, which includes, but not limited to:
Shooting small game(squirls,chipmunks,birds)
Blowing shit up
Lighting things on fire with obscene amounts of gasoline
doing burnouts in or on what ever is in my garage.
getting on my front loader and building sweet jumps for my mini bike.

And, to defend my self, I had my car jacked up becasue I was powerwashing the mud and salt/sand that is caked underneath my car.
So I just decided to grab a 14mm and take off the 4 bolts and lower the mufflers off.

I’m not sure exactly what it is,but when i’m WOT in boost the car sounds like a god danm jet.


Yes, it did sound very nice leaving the ghetto gas station the timeI bumped into you.

:rofl: They have no way to tell if their bike isn’t running right. No baseline reference.

Last time I got drunk at a buddy’s house we started taking the mufflers off of his Mustang. He pussied out when we figured out that we’d have to cut to get them off the axle. :gay:

lol I’m jealous. I think you have way more fun than I do. :lol:

lol he should of just done it. It sounds good… just ask Tom (trueblue) about fairly stock late model mustangs with no exhaust lol

Yes, it did sound very nice leaving the ghetto gas station the timeI bumped into you.

thanks man, once the weather warms up we’ll have to get the GTO crew together for a cruise :beer2:

I have no cats and a fart can. I live in Kenmore, and they haven’t stopped me yet, so it must not be too loud. I love the way it sounds, and I have had no issues.

ever get the hangers re-welded on that fart can or is the clothes hanger still holding it up?

i kid i kid.

The only negative affect i can see with ending the exhaust pipe at the axle is the excess acidic hydrocarbons that will pre-corrode your undercarage.

there is a reason that exhausts usually exit beyond the line of the body of a car.

you have an 08 5 door wrx correct? im sure the muffler layout could use some opening up with its wonderfull 180 degree bends before the muffler.

i havent seen under a new wrx yet to see how many resonators/cats it has. but im sure with the modern day emissions standards there are plenty of things in the way of an open exhaust to quiet things down.

You have a wife…you’re life and fun is over…understandable that you would do lame shit instead…

My car dumped the exhaust under the middle of the car…has for a couple years now…no issues.

Yea same here, my neighbor’s infant can 2nd that:baby:

I always thought it was for carbon monoxide

Yeah you might get some exhaust fumes in the cabin when the car is sitting, thats a negative effect.

Thats cause the ls1 doesnt produce exhaust, its really just black puffs of godliness.


at least she drives the toy car faster then I do. :slight_smile: