Is sunshine, blondes and beaches worth the nonsense?
Anyone that has moved out to Cali been caught up in this?

$1500 bucks in fines for performance modifications would not appeal to me.

^ I can’t speak to this because I am way off the radar for most highway POPO, but i’ll say that I see some ridiculous shit almost daily.

-clapped out anything with like 40 mexicans in it with 3 bald tires and some serious issues suspension wise.
-bro’d out trucks puffing black smoke everywhere
-lots of high end cars, loud, exotic. Certainly not ‘environmentally friendly’
-ricers with fart cans and ratty mods

I mean shit man, you’ll probably run into issues in ANY state if you are asking for it. @XwalkerX and I have been out here for a while now and I had NY plates on both my car and bike for a while, and so does/did walker. I have yet to run into anything except a minor speeding infraction and as far as I know its much of the same for Walker. (and his 996 isnt exactly ‘under’ the radar)

CA doesnt suck all the time, but my least favorite things about it are the traffic and being so far away from family. For the most part, im very happy with the decision to work out here and it has given me a lot of perspective on life. I won’t be here forever, though. No way.

People on the Corvette forum constantly bitch about having to do CARB legal mods and deal with BS

Ride height is also an issue people get beat up for but I assume thats mostly the Honda/tuner crowd

The fact that you and walker both have NY plates would exempt you from CA specific smog/inspection stuff

I’d just stick to bikes and old cars. Just like I do now.


Not chasing 8s like @cougarspeed

What makes you say that?

Several reasons, and keep in mind this is just my perspective on the whole experience.

-Housing market is insane. No way i’d consider laying roots out here.
-If the lady and I take that next step (which is the direction we are heading) we would want to be close to home and family. Both of us have very close, awesome families which is nice.

  • I want land, and green space and not pay 1 million + for my mortgage LOL. I can see this happening in the greater WNY region.
    -I have a very easy bridge back home (WNY) with work when I am ready while keeping this coasts cost of living pay and maybe take a promotion coming back. It was a smart career move.
    -I like 4 seasons and I LOVE winter. I know that sounds weird, and im sure i’d be sick of this latest buffalo winter, but I miss it. The CA drought the past 2 years has been a bummer for ski resorts out here.

All in all family is the biggest draw back. The move here from the get-go was career and perspective focused, with a 3-5 year timeline. I am north of 1 1/2 in and still soaking up as much experience both professionally and personally as I can. Last time around in Buffalo I was pretty miserable and looking for a change. I have great perspective now that I can carry with me for life. I saw the grass on the other side… its nice, but I have a better idea of what I want long-term now and I am getting close to ready to lay down some solid roots back in NY in the next year or two.

I hope this unorganized rambling mess helps make sense of where I am at with everything.

That’s the best answer you could have given. People like to complain no matter where they are, but you’ve at least had the experience to know where YOU will be happy and that’s what is important. :tup:

I’ve always considered moving out west, or back to Hawaii. It’s very hard to break free from having the comforts of ‘home’ (I quote that because I’ve moved around a lot in my life, but consider Buffalo home) and a job that pays well.

Serious question…how are you forced to open your hood for these cops or they tow it? Since the handle to open the hood is located inside the “cabin”, wouldn’t they need a warrant to get in there?

I guess I’m just trying to figure out how they actually get away with this…

Thanks man. I agree 100%. I could get down with living away from home for a bit longer, maybe CO, or UT. CA traffic, cost of living, and culture starts to wear on you after a while. But, like I said… the biggest draw is fam (and that job that pays well.) I’ll be back in NY soon breaking knuckles on old Honda’s and keeping Walker at bay on getting me into a Harley. ha!



      • Updated - - -

to expand on the original question…
everyone is going to have a different take on what they consider “worth it” and of course anywhere you are there will be positives and negatives.

for me the positives are HUGE…

being able to have sun w/blue skies pretty much EVERY DAY
live 3 blocks from the ocean
skateboard to work
ride motorcycles ALL YEAR
explore awesome national parks
killer mexican food i could eat every day
drive a truck thats almost 50 years old that still has a floor
and no longer have to work at a land border…

but yeah there are totally negatives too

the traffic
housing cost
idiot drivers
lack of good pizza
and it seems like EVERYTHING is at least like 50 miles away from where you are

bottom line is i couldnt be more happy with my choice.
if i want to see snow ill drive an hour to big bear (which i DONT want to see snow)
looking back at it now i cant believe i waited so long to get out here.

im genuinely MUCH happier out here.

life is good.

The activities are what tempt me the most. California has SO much shit to do outdoors and so many people taking part. Sure WNY has some okay stuff in the area, but anything here is really just a watered down version of the west coast. Being within driving distance to Big Sur, Yosemite, etc would seriously be amazing.

Off topic by post 8, nice

Not really off topic. It’s still a discussion about the pros and cons of being out west.


Big sur
Kern river
Joshua tree
Salton sea

and not that far from Zion and the Grand Canyon

lol The topic is modded car regulations in CA. Now we’re on outdoor activities in CA.

I mean, I don’t care really (doubt OP cares either). I just find it funny how quickly it derailed.

We just had this thread last week

There is a Disney Land in CA right?

There was actually another thread debating CA life