Is the computer F-ed?

My GF’s computer recently took a shit. Its an HP desk-top running windows, not sure what version (maybe 2000). Well the other day she went to start it up and gets none of her desk top icons. The day before this happened she noticed her Macafee caught a virus named something like autorun.worm.gen or something like that. The next day all she had was her wall paper when she started up her computer. I looked at it yesturday and same thing. All there is on the screen is her wall paper and none of her desktop icons at all. Not even a start up menu. I tried going to task manager and having it run a program and all i could get to come up was excel and word.

Does anyone know what may be up with her POS? Its almost like HD is trashed. Any help is greatly appreciated.

during bootup can you get into safe mode?

Hit Crtl+Alt+Delete go into processes, Hit File>>New >> then type explorer.exe. See if that works. Definitely sounds like a virus though. Try using Nod32.

BTW: /Autorun.worm.gen

tell your GF to stop click on the “You’ve WON A FREE XBOX360!!!” ads or downloading porn.

Tried F8, doesn’t do anything.

try F10?

Says can not find explorer.exe

What’s that? where do i get it?

antivirus…get it on demonoid…

Although if it can’t find explorer.exe you’re fucked.

Time to reinstall Windows

the virus might have deleted important files on your computer… might need to reformat everything.

She was running McAffee. Obviously wasn’t worth a shit. Anyone know a good computer Dr.?

That’s what we’re thinking. I told her to just smoke the HD and reinstall windows but she want’s to try to see if she can retrieve any information left on the HD.

well she probably can get the information from her backups…right?

She has “a bunch of disks” but doesn’t know what is on them… :\ Why do I care more than she does about this. Fuck it. She just wants to know where she can take it to have someone else fix it. If she doesn’t want to put in the research and rather just pay someone $100/hr to fix it, I’m not going to get my vas deferenze all twisted over it.

Get the HP restore discs and do it yourself.

Its stupid simple, almost retard proof.

No need to pay anyone to do anything.

Once you get it up and running, run windows update, and put a free antivirus on it.

Should take no more than 2 hours, most of that time is just watching the computer waiting for it to install windows.

download a windows disc…

DO NOT TAKE IT TO GEEKSQUAD or FIREDOG…or anyone else…there are plenty of members including myself that will fix this for minimal charge…she also should maybe invest in an external/thumb drive for backups.

You can take the HD out and slap it into another PC to grab files. That is what I usually do.

probably the quickest way. But not the best as the virus maybe embedded in a file that she needs, it happens…

I really wish people weren’t such fucking idiots when it comes to computers.

there are a couple of good geeksquad guys out there but most of them are sales men first, computer fixer 10000th.

Well then that would be more people outta jobs:)

Probably not, Desktop Hard drives are 3.5" and Laptop HDDs are 2.5". I mean you could definitely do that but keep in mind they are not the same sizes and you made need an adapter or PCI card to make this work.