is "the shop" calling synapse under qualified?? you decide lol. local car.


while beating on customer car.

who cares … synapse ftw

Lock this shit up-John, Jimmy and The Shop CT are a GREAT bunch of guys, don’t twist this shit into an Ethugging contest.

u just like to start all sorts of drama and bull shit dont you

agreed … So much “bro” terms being thrown its annoying

relax you fat fuck.:retardclap

posted a video. title was sarcastic.:ahh

Everything they tune needs a street drive-which can mean multiple pulls for fine tuning.

your an idiot …ban 1 for personal attack

lock 1

lock 2

i dont mod this section trav , i would lock it up as there is no good gonna come out of this thread . esp when synapse is known and a great group of guys lock 3

lock 3

forum rules mods , lock her up and delete it

deff in synapse defense.

Yep, I’m friends with The Shop guys, and although I don’t know the Synapse crew, I’m sure they are great.

lock 4. I drove that car the other day while tweaking the tune, if you want a real video…I’ll post that. Seems to me that The Shop is taking over upstate NY…not that I would have anything to do with that :slight_smile:

andd u are ???

synapse for life. connecticut can have their shop.

He’s cool John-hung out with him a few times now.


he’s josh, travis and i were at his house saturday