The Shop CT-stay away

I was hesitant to post this, but I can’t help it. I don’t want to see other friends get ripped off like I did-

Got my car tuned on May 1st by John@The Shop CT. Got the car home, and A/F ratio was WAY off. John came up 2 weeks later and kinda fixed the A/F ratio, but not really. He was unaware that with 5 minutes of work, that you could integrate the wideband signal into the stock ECU. Tried to contact John@TheShopCT, but everytime we spoke, he made it feel like I was bothering him…

Discovered that John locked the ECU. Had TSCOMPTUNED re-tune the car, and could not be happier.


EDIT-adding this more though explanation

This letter is in regards to my account # xxxx. I brought my 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution to “The Shop CT” on April 30th, 2011 to get the car’s computer tuned for optimal vehicle performance. I was charged $817.50 (on the same date) for this service. Several months later, I discovered that “The Shop CT” had ‘locked’ the vehicles computer so only they (The Shop CT) could access it. The computer was ‘locked’ without my approval or knowledge.

The ‘locking’ of this cars computer caused several problems for me. In late August, it became apparent to me that the ‘tune’ needed work. I tried to contact The Shop CT with questions, and they were unresponsive to my inquiries, and the one time that I was able to talk to them, they were rude and acted as if they were doing a favor to take my call. At that point, it became apparent that I needed to look elsewhere for tuning help. While getting assistance from another friend/tuner, it became apparent that The Shop CT locked the computer.

In closing, I feel that it was very unprofessional for The Shop CT to lock this car’s computer without notifying me, the customer, who brought the vehicle over 4 hours on a trailer for them to tune. I informed The Shop CT that I was unhappy with this, but they stood behind their choice to lock the computer without my knowledge. With all of this said, I’m disputing their charge of $817.50 on April 30th, 2011 and would like to be refunded in full for their tuning service on my 2003 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution. Please feel free to contact me at xxxxx with any concerns or questions.

(yes I’m disputing the charge)

Seamus had a stint working there and had awful things to say…

Seamus left there already? Dam he relocated for that too didnt he?

Spoke too soon, BRO!

/joking around.

I’m surprised you didn’t think of bringing the car to Synapse since they have AWD now and have an excellent reputation. If I’ve heard 1% of the horror stories about The Shop, that’d still be more horror stories then I’ve heard about Synapse.

+rep, laughed reading this.

Another complete hypocritical thread by TT… waiting for you to make a thread “FUCK GUNS N ROSES” or something. And I would not get tuned at Synapse if my life depended on it.

Not being a Dick but why wouldn’t you go there?

not gonna lie but i will never go back to synapse myself

I’ve seen some close friends get RAPED there, and now that my friend no longer works there, I really have no reason. I’m not trying to start trouble. Just sayin.

Raped? As in forcefully penetrated by penises? :ohnoes

LOL! I deserve to get ribbed for this. I made the thread and knew it was coming. That’s fine, I’m just trying to prevent friends from going down the same road I did.

Awaiting boxersix to tell some good stories of this place ,

Cossey OWNED.

I been saying this for EVER. TT been backing The Shop for awhile now.

At least he freely admitted that he was wrong. He never had to say any of this, he’s simply looking to guide people away from the same thing he went through.

yea, Travis never has a problem admitting he was wrong. I’m wondering what that one kid who works for The Shop has to say

Oh well-unlike you, at least I found a solution to my dumpy tune.

John also locked the tune on Larry’s Evo. It’s literally no different than someone selling you an engine, then discovering months later that you cannot pull the valve cover off. I approached The Shop CT in a respectful manner about finding a solution, but they wanted no part.

How’s Seamus doing?

Locking the tune is ridiculous . Only reason is to hide suttin or to protect a under secretev brotune and I’m sure it wasn’t security reason … look at some old s.t.I after he got it back from there and a few others

Sucks to hear but thats the name of the game. Ive never had Synapse do me dirty but like the saying goes you cant please every body