The Shop CT-stay away

No ya can’t please everyone . But at least try to

Its all in how they choose to run their business and one bad experience by a person goes alot farther then 20 good experiences

True as hell , I wasn’t impressed by the brovids

Ive never been impressed by anything the shop has done but maybe it was due to their old tuner jr who sucked ass

I’m glad I have a great tuner and cares

heard he opened or is opening his own shop?

Possibly , he had a good drive for it

Stock tune Ftw

ohhh shit…ding ding

This thread makes me lol.
Travis i have no problems with you, but you do seem a little out there sometimes.
Ive had my ups and downs with john. But all and all everything came out good. He locked my tune, but thats because of the software locks the tune to each car. It is what it is and if need be i can take it off whenever.
Seamus left the shop because he is a dope haha. He said he wasnt getting enough money for the “work” he was doing, when he hardly even showed up for work. I had a conversation with a worker there and this is what he had to say about seamus regarding his leaving: “FYI- he came to us looking for a job, jimmy asked him how much he had to make. Jimmy gave it to him. Every week he worked he missed a day and one week he said he was coming in on a Saturday and didnt show up even though we scheduled him work… Well I scheduled him work and reminded him before he left my house the night before… So he cries because he didn’t ask for enough money, then asked for more - but he never worked hard enough.”

The automotive performance industry is unique. No other industry could get away with all of these shops treating their customers like they do. Take what you just said…

“I’ve had my ups and downs with xxxx”

Like me, I’m sure you became frustrated with his lack of service, (lack of) availability, and attitude. With that said, you felt great after you finally got a hold of him and got the services you paid for, right? Should not be that way, but it’s what we come to expect, and accept.

There seems to be ton of he said she said on here, like posted earlier you can always please everyone , i have heard things about "the shop’ that are not good, but i cant say anything myself because ive never dealt with them before. This is a tough industry and you cannot please everyone, cars break and shit happends. I have always stood behind what syanpse does and builds they have always been great to me and i trust them with my car. I do understand though however that nothing is guarenteed to be problem free and when you arte pushing the enevolpe on power you cant always control everything that is going to happen.

The fact that they locked the tune without my approval or knowledge cannot be disputed.

agreed ^! that is wrong

Most of my comment was not about “the shop”.

Most tuners lock their tunes… I don’t see the problem, explain why it’s a big deal…

My tune from my old tuner was locked… I got a backup file and the new tuner was able to still view. Then from there started me a base.

1)It was done WITHOUT my knowledge or approval.
2)They are over 4 hours away-not exactly easy to swing in and get the tune worked on
3)Say I went to the track and wanted to change my two step, activate valet mode, etc etc…I cannot do that with a locked ecu.

Sure, some ‘tuners’ lock tunes, but its to hide shit work most of the time. The best tuners out there don’t lock them, because they are not scared of showing their work off.


Most tuners DO NOT lock their tunes. On a GM ECU, locking actually changes the seed/key and renders the PCM useless to anyone but the original tuner (as in it can’t even be reflashed PERIOD). It’s really not a nice thing to do. The only time I could even see doing it is if you were offering some sort of warranty on the vehicle and you didn’t want the customer to mess with the tune.

Not true , Anthony and I have unlocked gm pcm,s and reused em in the same car . Jammers is one of them cause Howard locked it as a last Fuck u to him