is there a legit fucking reason I cant use cp?

Parts in bold. Are goddamn simple to deal with. Filters for words, short term temp bans AUTOGENERATED from using them. SIMPLE rules, left to moderators to enforce WITHOUT THE NEED for second guessing their own actions from confusing grey area “rules”.

THATS FUCKING IT. Look at any NATIONALLY RUN SUCCESSFULL FOURM. that how they do it. Bullshit is haulted. Button pushers are called out and eliminated. This place is full of smart people and smart ass people. Give ANYONE HERE AN INCH and they can and will take a mile. The grey area for using the word ******, but allowing nigggahh becasue its not filtered is a PERFECT example.

Parts underlined. Thats where self respect and respect for others self-police’s the place and keep it saine. I personally have NO FUCKING PROBLEM calling out my best friends here and telling them they are fucking up. On Shift or in real life. I EXPECT that they would do the same for me, when I fuck up too. THAT RIGHT THERE, is why I double think what I post and take in consideration what I look like and how others would take it. Thats why I have no problem calling my friend Vlad out for this nonsense here, and why I am “defending” paul.

This all centers around guideance and respect. on ALL fronts.