is there a legit fucking reason I cant use cp?

Has a year gone by so quick already?

Here we are, another year, another chapter in Shift drama.

It seems that over the last quarter of 2012 going into this a few members think it’s funny to pick on me and judge my decisions by saying they are wrong. All the Nazi/communist jokes were all fun and games but you’re taking it to the next level, and it’s getting old - fast.

Some of you forget that I’m not just a bad boss that is disliked by employees and will be replaced by a better one. This is it, I’m all you got. If I go, the site goes and I get my life back. And As of late it seems like a damn tempting alternative.

In the recent thread some of you guys have said that I’m the biggest downfall of the site. :rofl I guess you guys expect an apology for my actions so here it is.

I’m sorry for providing the forum, putting on events, putting my money and years of my life and hours and hours each day into this.
I’m sorry this free service and effort isn’t good enough for you.
I’m sorry for trying to make this a better and a welcome place.

If you don’t like me or have a problem with the way I run my website then get off and go else where.

Nadsny, 518carscene, Facebook are all good options. If you don’t want to be here, I don’t want you here.

I will take my site in the direction I want to go and as I see fit. I will either run my site the way I want to run it and steer it in the proper direction or I won’t run it at all. Some of you aren’t happy with the way the site is (yet keep coming back) and think that I should run it differently. If you are seriously saying that I should manage the site in the direction I don’t want to do it in, you need a reality check. Why are you even here if you don’t like where it’s going?

If you’re so naive that you think I’m going to cater to the people that don’t like me or don’t respect me, you’re out of you goddam mind.

It’s been said that good things are easily forgotten, the fact that this place is still more lenient than just about most other forums and I even let people pick on me. However I don’t run this show to be disrespected. Good luck finding any site where an admin will not ban you for being an asshole to him.

I’ve been at this for just around 4 years now. Putting in more than 40 hours a week, every week into trying to make this a better place. If you I’m in this for profit then think again, the site is still well in the red after all the expenses over the years. I volunteered to create this community and spend my money keeping it up. I only volunteer because it’s a hobby and a place I want to visit. Some members are dead set on making it a place I want to no longer visit by specifically acting in ways which aren’t respectful or cater to the site rules.

This isn’t a night and day change. This has been a long time in the making and you can thank some very specific members for the overall change of attitude that were dumb enough to push buttons and “try to get at me” on purpose. Well here is the result. I’m out of patience got sick of dealing with their shit and trying to compromise.

I’m tired of having issues and points turned against me for no reason. I try to help a member make some money and get business for his detailing based on commission based advertising system and all of a sudden a village idiot posts that “taking advantage of members” and gets the ball rolling. Yet his friend hasn’t paid me a dollar and got business of the site.

I try to be lenient at first and I’ve gotten flack from the mods about me being too lenient. Now that’s it’s different and rules are actually enforced, other mods are saying on one side that I took too long to be strict and other mods are saying I’m ridiculous. Lenient strategy didn’t work. Assholes didn’t change and didn’t listen constantly disobeying the rules forcing us to go with more severe forms of control. Some members kept speeding by the same cop over and over again and getting warnings. They keep speeding by him and now they are calling a cop an asshole for giving them a ticket? You’re a moron if you didn’t count your blessings and slow down.

On the other side many mods have become disinterested in the site and stopped being an active contributor or simply don’t agree with where the site is heading. They will no longer be mods and can be replaced by those members that care to rejuvenate the site with content instead of constant bickering.

Also don’t bring up the bs that “old Shift” was better. Going through the moderator discussions and admin logs it has been drama feat every few months, it just slowly accumulated to the perception that now is worse because in recent months constant problems have been removed. Your ignorant statements about how you “feel” about the old site being better when the facts say otherwise are simply ignored.

If you don’t like the site or me nobody is forcing you to be here. Banned members keep coming back and hiding in the shadows under fake names acting civil and respectful which is why they remain. Why they didn’t do this from the getgo on their old user name is beyond me but I guess you can’t fix stupid. If I warn you not to break the rules and you don’t listen and continue doing so

Fun is still allowed but don’t break the rules. If you’re too stupid to figure out how to be funny or have fun without personal attacks, disrespect or racial slurs you are too dumb do be a member.

If you want to be an idiot and keep pushing my buttons, eventually you will press the wrong one and be gone.

Don’t dare blame me for members that are banned. They all have been warned multiple times on what they did and what will happen if they did it again. They did it again by their own actions, effectively choosing their own destiny when faced with a choice on whether to do it or not.

With that said

I’m taking a mini vacation to get away from all this for a few days or even a week. I’ve been logging in daily for 4 years and need a timeout. I’m going on the SkiTrip with some members, going to a mod meeting and that’s it. Have your fun, but when I come back remember this thread every time you have a problem with the site or how it’s run and read it again, otherwise enjoy your stay.

I’ll finish with this.

Here is the link to the rules thread to remind you what is expected out of you.