is there a legit fucking reason I cant use cp?

Plus rep *****

Absolute perfection.

I love how everybody knows best.

Keep it going :rofl

And Danny… FYI, it’s many times the cost of your server.

WTF great job banning PJB :facepalm

You need to step off your high horse dude.

Best part is, PJB has been banned many times.

07-01-2009 by MK430R
10-22-2009 by Cossey
12-01-2009 by Cossey
and now by me.


If we protest on Vlads lawn…will we have to pay $1 each for repair?

Can’t we just get back to talking about guns, racism, fagism, government conspiracies and maybe a little bit of CarTalk™?

*edited for reading comprehension.

Danny posted what his hosting costs him…

at least half of those I remember and they were kidding around

you just do things that alienate people because you’re short and have a superiority complex or something

Oh yeah. My bad.

Outside of disagreements on shift

Why are you guys so pissed at vlad? In person at least to me hes never been anything but helpful and decent person to have a conversation with even if he is a bit stubborn.

I don’t agree with shit on here all the time but I dont talk to him like I wish he’d die :rofl

Oh I just have a little bit self respect and see the irony in many members talking shit about myself and about Shift on other sites that end up back here.

You and the rest of the entitled assholes think you’re worth something to me, completely forgetting about the past and the promises of never being coming back to this “communist land”.

The other site shuts down and lo and behold, you rats are back but instead of learning and appreciating what is given you continue to trash talk myself and the site.

I just find it ironic how weak you are to come back, and how much you care about a place you hate. Ever wonder why you’re still not banned after all this time Benny? I enjoy the hypocrite you are each time you log back in.

:rofl :rofl

Dude, you’re contradicting yourself.

First of all, the other site never really took off at all, and we “rats” didn’t come back just because it went down you egocentric bafoon, and there you go again alienating your “friends” and “staff members” :rofl

I came back when my dumbass ban was up for the same reason I’ve always been here- entertainment. You know what type of entertainment? Comedy. This place is literally just a joke to anyone that even knows what it is. You are the punchline to it all, it’s hilarious, it’s like a little North Korea where everybody knows what’s wrong with it, embraces what is wrong with it, yet the leadership still thinks it’s this glorious land of automotive and motorcycle discussion

Search for threads by # of posts, you’d be hard pressed to find anything of any real content in the first few hundred pages, the content on this site is the outrageous interaction between members, not a fucking automotive community. We just all happen to like cars as well.

I don’t hate this place, I hate you, I hate the direction you’ve decided to take with the site, but really I don’t care. It just adds to the hilarity of it all.


I’ll save you the trouble of coming back to this POS site and renew the ban.

Don’t worry you wont be missing much at all, since I don’t know what I’m doing and this place is a POS.

It’s literally been the same thing for YEARS, and your stupid ass doesn’t learn.

You know what people do when they see a dictatorship and a communist country they want no part of? They LEAVE, instead of going into it and bitching about it.

I’m not contradicting myself in those posts at all, I agree with myself, it is a piece of shit. It’s down all the time, you like doing things to try to make a point where there is no point to be made other than “hurr hurr I pay for stuff”. That doesn’t mean I will stop returning. Then there’s no entertainment.

Why are you paying for it? Are you an idiot? I know you’re not just doing it out of the kindness of your heart :rofl

You’re adorable.

Hello fellow local forum administrator!

Sounds like you’re paying a lot to run your site. I don’t know how much storage you need and what your monthly bandwidth transfer is, but I can recommend a very good host that we’ve been happy with for quite some time. PM me if you want.

Might also be time to invest in some newer software, vB 5 is about to go mainstream sale. We’re on 4, it’s been way more stable than 3 was.

  • Jesse (ROFL)


So how long is PJB banned for?

this is bullshit.

As a friend of yours Vlad, I am ashamed. This is possibly the most childish shit I have seen here in a while. You say you want to play by the rules, and you give him an hour count down ban. I dont see that in the rule thread. I also dont see a “about to ban PJB” thread for mods to discuss the consiquence either. Infact, if I wanted to shoot myself in the foot right now… the REASON for this thread is 100% on you, and you know that.