is there a legit fucking reason I cant use cp?

Here we go again !!!

KBB and Benny is the exact same story as KK and MK430R… this has been beaten to death here.

If you want to look like a tool online but be a saint in real life, deal with the reprocussions of your actions online and draw a line of seperation between online and real life. Thats it, end of story.

Simply put.
If Vlad doesn’t want someone here he has made it clear in this thread he will remove you without asking anyone else. Just the same as if he wants to make 50 new sun forums about home building or some other unrelated topic. His site, his say.

The difference being Brett is a dick in real life as well :rofl

There are a few members who take joking here a little too far, but that’s just my opinion.

Just put them on ignore if you don’t want to read them or listen to em’.


Same guy, PHd level reply vs 3rd grader. :rofl If regular people and see the real Benjamin behind the screen name good for them. If they cant, too bad I guess. Hes not a retard, thats for sure… if he presses buttons due to shitty rules here thats OUR fault not his in a way.

Oh completely. Someone would come in here and not know how to take his posts and comments. After a while you understand what he’s about.

Again, once you realize no one is the same in this world you can walk through life much easier regardless if you want to deal with them or not.

then he must remove all the mods and do it himself. simple as that.

by asking for help, and holding “I can kick your help to the curb whenever I feel”… is 100% a contridiction.

I was going to say that, but you did.

I still love you Brent because I know you’re going to read this.

I miss you ryan <3

Benny is a complete fuck online, but I love benny in person. He’s seriously a teddy bear… a big one…

This fucking .gif :rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl

I bet some people wish they could just hop on a magic carpet and fly away from all of these mean people attacking them.

Vlad and Captain Morgan remind me of this:

Nolan chill it kid ! I know your playing etc and capt has yet to see how shift is obv but ya taken it a bit far bro


they’re talking about banning you in the mod section


I lol’d.