Im looking into buying a boost controller. Now i contemplating many different types such as the apexi Avc-R or Blitz Dual Sbc but then im thinking why spend 500-600$ on an electric BC when i can spend 40 and get a manual one. i most probably will end up buying one of the two stated above but i was wondering if anyone had any experience with the isis MBC. I noticed its the same model they have on ebay but marked as no name mbc.
So if anyone is running one of these let me know how you like it if there is boost spikes and so on.
i’ve sold a handful of the cheapie MBC’s and people seem to like them. you just have to have a boost gauge and know that they are not very accurate… like 2 clicks could be 0.5psi increase of 7psi increase…
as for boost creep… havent heard anythign specific on them but i’d imagine its the same story… just be careful.
i got the no name ebay ones from some local guy last year. it was spiking like crazy, it was stuck at 15-20psi, so i returned it to him. one of my friends had the same one and his ran perfect on his sr. ended up getting one from ziggy after. i ran it for like 2 months last summer, didn’t spike at all. was running it on a ka-t.
Thanks for the replies guys much appreciated. Although ive made the decision to go with the Greddy profec b spec II electric controller. Its time i get back on the quality parts wagon.
I ended up buying the greddy. I figured im keeping the car for a while might as well continue to buy quality parts and not cheap out on a boost controller. Thank for the input guys