ISP Speed Test / Satisfaction

what would u call mine then?

and at home. 5mb fios on a wireless connection

whats funny is my sprint and wireless card is faster than some of the dsl subscribers

business grade, how do you like it?

Nah that’s home DSL. We’ve got a couple DS3’s at work, no need for shitty DSL. :wink:

FBI…riiiiiight. But him having verizon dsl at that speed would be the biz package that they offer to home users…it has more emails, a domain name i believe and of course higher speed…a few more things but i don’t care to remember. But as far as connections go…OC45>everything on this site

Nah it’s just regular home DSL.

Having used to work for verizon and having to memorize all of these packages was a pain. the biz package is regular home dsl…just with a bump in speed…depending on how close you live to the switch(i can shoot paintballs at mine) “home” dsl is capable of a lot

fios is but I dont know if i wanna go for that or not…
at work

you show me a peice of equipment that will drop out an oc45, its oc48, and i can beat that with an oc192

Dude for the price you’ll never switch back(not that you can anyway lol). It’s a nice investment…and i know you have a PS3…don’t know if you play it online or not

I win. /thread :smiley:

I actually am pretty surprised at how well the internet really performs… I wonder if it can do better?

With all that technology their should be higher :burnout:

you do win, unless i go downstairs and pull the plug on the super computer center

Seriously though, that’s the least that they can do based upon their ridiculous tuition rates.

:smiley: the super computer center

I’m going to test my “personal” VZW DSL. I bet it’ll suck hardcore compared to what I had just a bit ago on campus :(.


Guess I need to spend more time on campus

have one of the mods check my ip address…

You know… so this test should basically show how quickly my internet is running - i.e. whatever VZ says my DSL is rated at, correct? I’m pretty sure I have the 3Mbps plan… and I am paying extra for it. I’m a little pissed that I keep getting 1200-1300. I think I may call and find out wtf is going on.

oh I know, but Im living with parents right now, moving out come sept. my mom really doesnt want fios but is thinkin of it… unless she decides she wants to get it then im not getting it cuz im not paying for it til i move out.
I’ll pay half if she gets it cuz I download the most