well obviously they all have the same roots… to control the people and make money.
+1 Israel is only the bully because we allow them to be, Israel shoots rockets and Palestine blows up a bus. Now that Palestine has more resources they have accumulated a larger armory to attack Israel. So they come back with chemical warfare on Palestine to make them infertile…LIKE NAZIS LOL
This is a shit storm that will never end considering it started well before America.
Well technically they have only been there since 1948 Besides The jews actually do well with the land. If it was still palestine territory it would be mud huts.
The names have changed but the same people have been fighting for the land since the crusades.
No no no, it’s the United States’s fault. If we hadn’t backed Israel they’d all be holding hands watching the sunset over the Mediterranean singing give peace a chance. Don’t you know we’re the great satin and the cause of every problem in the world?
Can’t we just alt-f4 the entire middle east and call it a millenium?
We finance most of Israels military
Our money buys the rockets and planes that kill the palestinian peoples families members
now why again are we hated by most of the middle east?
oh right, according to George Bush they hate our democracy
they must be angered over the fact we can wear Levis jeans and they cant
oh wait Canada can, Germany can, England can, Australia can on and on and on and on
but it was here that planes were flown into buildings
what about spain? what about the london bombings?
don’t fool yourself, just because we’re the biggest of the “bad guys” doesn’t mean they don’t hate others.
oh your right but your also right about being “the biggest”
The history of Israel is that of the ultimate bully, I do not understand why people defend them.
They block supplies, setup road blocks for everyone, buy up all the land, kick the palestinians out of it, initiate policies to only hire Jews.
Now I’m not for terrorism so Hamas can eat a dick, but to be honest there is no good side in the conflict only casualties.
Spain has a history of anti-muslim sentiment. And England was first to back Israel occupation of the middle east as well as continually backing us.
because they fucking control the US
how many people in the Senate are jewish/have dual citizenship?
How many members of Bush’s cabnet are jewish/have dual citizenship?
How much of wall street is/are jewish?
How many major corporations are owned by jewish decent?
The entire fucking mass media with the exception of Ted Turner is owned by jewish interests
but they make up about 12% of the US population IIRC
the facts are out there, before you criticize be objective and answer some of the questions I have put before you…
Hey I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a fan of interests groups influencing our politicians when they are only looking out for Israel.
I wouldnt go as far as to say Israel owns us but i do believe there is some bias into the decisions we take on the crisis in the middle east. not necessarily jewish interest but money, Israel has a lot more then Palestine. but in the same sense we are a powerful country today not for being nice and doing “good” things, if you like the luxury of 3 ply toilet paper then dont cry peace when we blow up a country or two.(drastic but you get the point lol)
re post #25
The real story is not seen or heard by Americans because most of it is filtered out by Israeli owned/controlled news media outlets. Many people can agree that American news media is kind of a joke in many respects but that is more true then you know.
Washington lobbyists funnel American taxpayer money to Israel for no good reason and shape American policy to strengthen Israel. Israel has been terrorizing the Palestinians for years. Literally kicking families out of their homes in the middle of the night and bulldozing the houses to make room for Jewish settlements.
American money and weapons just aid this process. It might as well be Americans doing this since that is where the funding and means come from.
American support of Israel is why this level of terrorism exists today.
The arabs have plenty of reason to be pissed for America sticking its nose into their affairs.
Don’t say that you anti-American, terrorist lover!
Not that I agree with anything you are saying but I think it is closer to 2% of the US population that is Jewish.
your probably correct on that