It had to happen sooner or later...

Yeh not a fan of floating metal fragments anywhere in my motor, tranny, diff, transfer case or yeah…y’know.

Nah SR’s last forever

and are pretty much the strongest thing known to man

their only weakness:

15psi wide open throttle with no load resulting in disgusting overrev, spinning the engine up and over its rev limit before it had any idea it happened.

Dan, I bet if you download the log from your AEM (oops the one you sold already) we would see that the engine revved to like 9000!

It happens to my Z and andrews IS300’s too, the power it makes before redline is enough to spin it up and above the redline - even with no additional combustion occuring from redline onwards

I quick rev from my Z accidently shoots it up to 8500rpm hahaha oopsy