Chances are if you see commercials for the institute on TV, you should avoid it.
I always recommend formal training in a University. You have to understand though, that the degree alone will not get you the job. You need relevant experience. Find a part-time job while going to school, build a small computer lab at home and PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE, get an internship, etc…
formal training + some experience is the only sure fire way to be successful.
Training is going to be the best learning experience for you. Anyone can read a book and circle some answers, hands on is really the only way to learn. You aren’t going to get that at ITT. ECC is also about $30,000 cheaper. Grab some books along the way for the field you’re interested in (software, hardware, security, etc.). If you can take an internship (I think ECC requires them) DO IT!
I went to ITT, what a scam that was. They cram coarses into 10 weeks and tell you that you’ll be able to pass the certs after…psssshhh. Yeah, Ok. I wish I went the ECC route cause now my wallet hurts. The only thing ITT might take is math and english from another school, but none of their credits will transfer. They are probably still using the same outdated machines from when I was there. I was told they upgraded them every two years. Reformatting /= Upgrading. I went to ITT with a guy who I’m friends with now. He was going for Web Design…He already knew his shit but just needed the piece of paper. After receiving Honor Roll certificates in various programs he found out that they don’t even offer a web design coarse there. Gus can also comment on how shitty ITT was.
I mean, I hold an IT job now and so does Prog, but I’m sure we both would like to be making more money for how much money was wasted at ITT… Certifications can really only help me now, unless I go back to school. Now who knows if I would of went to ecc and would of been hired over the itt tech on paper… I’d probably goto ecc or somewhere else for engineering, then learn the it stuff on the job… Who knows if I’d be in the same line of work though…
Glad I asked then. ITT is out of my head now. Well I enjoy working with computers. My job now is customer service shit but I also troubleshoot any issues with the companies website that come up when a customer is ordering our products. That part is fun to me. I also want to get into Law Enforcement in some form or another. What better way to connect the two then Security systems and cyber crime. I could be speaking out my ass but I figured it would be something interesting to get into.
My best advice is to go to ECC, Medaille, or another creditable college and start some classes for a certification or associates. When you are starting to understand the basics, start seeing if you can do internships (even free ones). A resume looks better with work experience and education rather than just education.
If anyone wants it from the horses mouth, one of the BIGGEST vertical markets Cisco will be involved in is healthcare. Focus on security and work in a hospital, the money is there, lots of it. As the US continues to tie hospitals electronically they will be faced with adhering to strict hippa laws, and the hopitals will be dumping tons of $$ into the networks and resources to ensure nothing is compromised.
I agree with every word, I went to ITT when I was 18 and very foolish. Very overpriced. Much better off going to ECC or just picking up some certifications and experience yourself. I owed 25k.