It's *HOT* Topped out in the work truck between jobs. I need a better second job yesterday was brutal todays not gonna be any better. Praise the thunderstorms to night to bring in a wave a cooler air for the rest of the week. :worship

my truck doesnt even know the AC is on when i turn it on :slight_smile:


Fully open windows waste as much gas as the A/C being on. Screw it. I’m turning on the A/C. It’s too hot.

Its different in the city… wind resistence doesnt add up to much under 40mph, but Im always on the highway doing 60+ LS1 wont miss 10hp out of 300 but it will take a hit at 60 with the T-tops off and windows down… not too mention with 20% tint its like an ice box. The Ranger has not seen a mile since Thursday…

yep, sometimes you just gotta be baller and say fuck it. roll up the windows and turn on the a/c

the ranger is probably worse on gas than the TA… but its yurning for a JF burnout

The ranger with the 5 speed and 3.0 is better city MPG but the TA takes the cake on the highway especially with the AC on and the cruise set. And they are both capable of 2 wheel JF burnouts :benny

i can do backward JF burnouts with my car, itll roll a mean smokey if i provoke it.

The lake is going to be beautiful this weekend tho. The water warmed up a couple degrees in one day. lol Too bad my boat doesent have AC… Yet

Joe… you’re a retard. :idiots

we knew this. :nod

At least I got the flux capacitor fixed… Thats it! Your getting thrown off the tube!

How are you beating the heat Ollie?


i love family guy…

It’s 99 here right now and not even 11:30.

104 in my SUV.


There’s a tornado watch posted for today. Oh noes!!

oh well i got full coverage on everything i own even on the apartment i rent bring on the tornados!!! :banana

the radar shows the heavy stuff drifting northeast. I’d be surprised if Saratoga get anything severe. No worries.

i just want rain, lots of rain. i have to deliver tonight… with no AC, driving around w/ hot pizzas. shoot me in the face.

Way out west there’s some more forming. Here around Albany we aren’t supposed to get anything really until between 3 and 9. But yeah most of it is staying north of us (for now…).