It's not how you stand by your car...

someone get the thread


There’s one born every minute.



wow, what a peice that thing is. the rims arent even the same. what a monster tard

:lol: thats awsome. Ahhhahahahaha

That face looks a lil familiar… Rick… who sold you that “supra”?

Btw it’s one thing to get scammed… it’s another to know your cars… this thing isn’t even close to being a supra… it’s not even close to looking like one… a FG shelby and an aluminum one at least look similar… PPL don’t know cars I understand that… but dayom.

lololol looks like a Integra

Well he obviously had to know it was a celica when he bought it. You dont buy and register a car not knowing what it says on the title. Same thing with a replica/kit car its going to be registered under whatever cars chasis they used or title under a kit car.
Im sure he just bought a beat up 6th gen celica and wanted to make it as a close to a supra as possible.

except that a number of states (NY included) title kits cars as what they most LOOK LIKE, not what they are built off of

i can scratch build a Shelby daytona coupe body out of wood glue and yard sticks, use the right frame rail off a 53 corvette, the left frame rail off a 72 chevy truck… the suspension out of a 32 ford…and guess what it gets titled as here in NY?

you guys seam to think that it would be hard to sell a fake car to a total moron who has a spending problem… its really just about as hard as selling fake car repairs to the average person

think about it, were talking about the SAME type of people that fall for the “$5000 gt-r skyline” auctions on eBay …

this guys obviously stupid enough to talk shit about his “supra” on a supra forum … and then he actually shows up at a meet thinking hes hot shit.

i mean come on … the Eiffel tower has been sold for scrap TWICE so far by scam artists… THE FUCKING EIFFEL TOWER !!!

No. It wouldn’t be. I just find it FAR more likely that this is just a case of a stupid ricer.
I spy with my litle eye a LOLKORVETTT!!! Who let him there with all the supras!